This was just an experiment to see how far I could take free software, but i quite like the effect. No stickmen, and i hesitate to ask for opinions.
( , Sun 10 Jan 2010, 1:00, Reply)

What you have achieved here is to create a unique visual style. It's ghostly but human at the same time. I am hypnotised by it. Dont let the admen steal this.
Luvvin your work
( , Sun 10 Jan 2010, 1:23, Reply)

thank you. I just had a bit of a brane-fart and this was the result!
( , Sun 10 Jan 2010, 1:32, Reply)

i love your style. please make more things now.
( , Sun 10 Jan 2010, 2:03, Reply)

it's very impressive. Perfect style too, the rough-around-the-edges aspect of the surroundings is a nice juxtaposition with the really interesting characters and their movement. I like this a hell of a lot.
( , Sun 10 Jan 2010, 2:04, Reply)

thats awesome. loved it. *clicks madly* great choice of song. i looked for something on utube recently and one of your anums was 2nd in the list. poss ca plan pour moi.
anyhow, awesome. loved the jumping/rolling action!
( , Sun 10 Jan 2010, 2:28, Reply)

For a minute I thought it was an animation but then realised they were people jumping around on a mat. lol.
( , Sun 10 Jan 2010, 3:43, Reply)

do divulge?! ;) I think this looks absolutely lully and would love to experiment! of course all the credit would go to you if I made anything half decent!(PS I'm not an ad man ;P)
( , Sun 10 Jan 2010, 6:02, Reply)

the gymnastics clip was genius. Works so well with the finished piece. I assume the pixelate made those lovely square bodies? Thank you so much for sharing you'r experiment. I will post something when I get round to it as it doesnt really snow much in Madrid! :/ ;)
( , Sun 10 Jan 2010, 14:40, Reply)

EDIT: Removed info on advice- probably too late!
( , Sun 10 Jan 2010, 14:51, Reply)

I love the fact that there are so many different possibilities. Thanks again for sharing and I'll keep you posted ;)
( , Mon 11 Jan 2010, 0:25, Reply)

Because you never know when the Copy Cunts may strike! It's a wonderful effect that were I to see it on a new Pot Noodle advert, I would throw my own shit at the TV and curse the world we live in. Unless you'd been commissioned to do it, like. Then I would pour thanks upon the beauty that is the B3ta-to-TV phenomenon.
( , Sat 16 Jan 2010, 15:35, Reply)

for the advice and comments. Although one of my videos won a competition once, I've never been commisioned to do anything for money :(
( , Sat 16 Jan 2010, 16:26, Reply)

Well, as someone above said - don't let the admen steal it.
So why not make a music video for someone instead. There's tons of cool British bands round at the moment; I'm sure there's possibilities here. Perhaps one for a forthcoming Hot Chip single?
( , Sun 17 Jan 2010, 1:01, Reply)

However, I have been hearing about a band from round my neck of the woods called Hurts. They appear to be "the next big thing". Harry them!
( , Sun 17 Jan 2010, 13:10, Reply)

However, i doubt i'll offer to make a video. I DID get commissioned by a band to make one, but I stuck so far in my comfort zone doing it I didn't have the heart to charge them in the end. It simply wasn't good enough. I doubt I'll ever get the confidence, despite this video being so popular!
( , Sun 17 Jan 2010, 15:44, Reply)

Sell it and make a packet instead.
( , Sun 17 Jan 2010, 23:54, Reply)

At times they reminded me of toddlers, which made me lol when they all somersaulted into the caterpillar, for some reason.
Really really cool.
Oh, and nice choice of song. I was worried it was going to be Hearsay before it started.
( , Sun 10 Jan 2010, 11:40, Reply)

but i thought hearsay too
good job i trusted enough to click
( , Fri 15 Jan 2010, 17:55, Reply)

that you can trust my music tastes. I try to do class or OTT corny. Both are good.
( , Sat 16 Jan 2010, 2:26, Reply)

Made me smile, which is hard when I'm in a negative mood. Bravo!
( , Sun 10 Jan 2010, 12:53, Reply)

puts my Snow CDC link firmly in its place
( , Sun 10 Jan 2010, 16:16, Reply)

Have you seen Norman McLaren's Pas de deux?
(This is the second part - it's quite long but you'll get the idea)
( , Sun 10 Jan 2010, 16:15, Reply)

I think they're comparable - take something that's been filmed and play around with it. Yours is great.
( , Sun 10 Jan 2010, 17:16, Reply)

otherwise loving it and the choice of tune, goes very nicely!
( , Fri 15 Jan 2010, 11:28, Reply)

... and mesmerizing thanks for sharing the how.
I also hope no soulless ad agency steals it...
( , Fri 15 Jan 2010, 11:49, Reply)

With the slogan "dance your own dance" or something equally tenuous.
Gorgeous stuff!
( , Fri 15 Jan 2010, 13:28, Reply)

It really is rare to see something as aesthetically pleasing and unique as this these days. The music, timing and animation work perfectly.
Please award yourself £5.
( , Fri 15 Jan 2010, 14:05, Reply)

but this is magnificent :~)
but as has been said a couple of times, i hope no ad companies will be "inspired" with the same idea without paying you first.
( , Fri 15 Jan 2010, 15:16, Reply)

and now every time I listen to it I'll think of your fantastic animation - that was glorious.
* click * and Woo to you !
( , Fri 15 Jan 2010, 15:25, Reply)

One of the few videos I actually watched all the way through. Absolutely mesmerising. have a click.
( , Fri 15 Jan 2010, 17:48, Reply)

Particularly the chap falling over at 3.00. Very nice style!
( , Fri 15 Jan 2010, 17:53, Reply)

Just saw this on the newsletter...this is awesome. Clicks and bows in appreciation. I agree that an ad agency is going to half-inch this as an idea too.
( , Fri 15 Jan 2010, 18:00, Reply)

have worked a very special kind of magic on this piece of footage...
congrats on wider recognition via the newsletter.
( , Fri 15 Jan 2010, 19:33, Reply)

I feel a lovely kind of relaxed after watching that. I'll watch again at bedtime and I'll sleep well.
Thanks so much.
( , Fri 15 Jan 2010, 20:06, Reply)

so much everyone! I didn't even submit this to the Newsletter, so it was a truly a delightful suprise after a hard day at work to come home to this! /smile as wide as a house blog
( , Fri 15 Jan 2010, 20:08, Reply)

That's a brilliant technique, I love the effect! Definitely newletter-worthy.
( , Fri 15 Jan 2010, 22:03, Reply)

This video is quite hypnotic. Love the effect that's been created.
( , Fri 15 Jan 2010, 23:03, Reply)

I've just watched it twice. I love it, I do hope there will be more.
( , Sat 16 Jan 2010, 1:10, Reply)

Greetings from the US
Love it!... the songs fits so well..Sometimes the most random, obscure stuff is the most captivating
( , Sat 16 Jan 2010, 3:06, Reply)

At first I thought it was Gumby, then acrobats in Snuggies, but whatever, this is just gloriously captivating! And top choice of soundtrack too.
We love you so much for this.
( , Sat 16 Jan 2010, 4:45, Reply)

I hope you come up with more. This was fabulous to watch!!
( , Sat 16 Jan 2010, 5:36, Reply)

Also, thanks for reminding me of this song - I used to love it back in the day.
( , Sun 17 Jan 2010, 15:24, Reply)

You might not get to reading this far down, but feck it - I'll type it anyway...
I've always enjoyed your stuff but - and I hope you don't mind me saying this - I've always been struck more by your approach, humour and taste in music than the whole stickmen thing. But with this, you've surprised me - it's stunning and, dare I say it, even a little bit moving. Perfect music/footage choice and amazing result! Really - stunning!
( , Sun 17 Jan 2010, 15:32, Reply)

I'm enjoying my little moment and wouldn't miss a bit of it. As for the stickmen- I don't use a toilet as a logo for no reason! I am fully aware how low tech they are; but you hit the nail on the head: They are really just a vehicle to share great music and a few laughs, although i have grown quite fond of them :)
( , Sun 17 Jan 2010, 15:55, Reply)

I think it's the most realistically dynamic animation I've seen.
Freakin Awesome, and class tune choice too btw :0)
Keep it up!
( , Sun 17 Jan 2010, 22:05, Reply)