(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Fri 25 Feb 2011, 22:08,
This is where we must disagree...
normally I have a lot of time for you, but this won't do, this won't do at all. Hawaiian is a staple pizza and pineapple is a staple ingredient. I'll have no more of this tosh!
I'm mortified!
Fri 25 Feb 2011, 22:15,
if it's drained first
i may let it pass. have you tried asda's cheese steak pizza?
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Fri 25 Feb 2011, 22:17,
No but what I did discover today was
reference ham! The taste that all other ham tries to imitate, the best ham EVER.
Barbakan deli Chorlton manchester, Blackey Ham, it was like OMG. I bought some, nom nom.. sat there for 5 minutes then went back and bought more!
Nom NOM.
As they say in this barbaric neck of the woods (please let me come back down sarf I'll behave) I'll go up the asdaaaar issit.
Fri 25 Feb 2011, 22:21,
one good thing about liverpool
is that it's not manchester
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Fri 25 Feb 2011, 22:23,
even monsters need to unwind
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Fri 25 Feb 2011, 21:25,
I warn you, Joe Buck - I'm going to use you. I'm going to run you ragged!