If you really think that the current coalition government is to blame for the current state of affairs regarding unemployment or the rich/poor divide, please gaz me with your reasoning as it seems to me that the inherent issues that have resulted in the current state of affairs (regarding employment and wealth distribution) are all hangovers from the previous government and cannot be rectified immediately with some magic wand by the coalition within one year during a global financial crisis (not least due to the massive overspending by the previous government which led the current administration to take power in a situation of already massive debt and impending financial meltdown).
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Wed 12 Oct 2011, 18:50,

because this is b3ta
But no, I don't think they magicked up all these problems in the last few months at all. I think the majority of the problem (financial) they set in motion in the 80s with letting the banks get ahead of themselves and encouraging everyone to buy houses and things that they could never afford.
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Wed 12 Oct 2011, 19:16,
But no, I don't think they magicked up all these problems in the last few months at all. I think the majority of the problem (financial) they set in motion in the 80s with letting the banks get ahead of themselves and encouraging everyone to buy houses and things that they could never afford.

B3ta is not a place I expect to see political propaganda that contains no actual joke but instead just unfounded accusations. I have nothing against your picture but was surprised it was FP'd.
I don't understand your reply. I didn't suggest that they magicked these problems up, more that they existed and that the inability to magic them away cannot be held against the tories.
Also I don't understand what you find wrong about encouraging house ownership Don't you think people should aspire to own property and assets? Do you want your children to own homes?
And what of the years of labour rule? Do you think that the tories fucked it all up before, then labour came in and did nothing wrong, and now the evil tories are ruining it all again? What about labour selling off our assets and gold, borrowing left right and center, increasing the civil service into a huge unsustainable bloated mass (in order to decrease unemployment by employing them directly by the state) and encouraging mass immigration at a huge rate which resulted in a figure of something like 97% of new jobs created in london being filled by immigrants since 2007?
I'm just saying, they took over the country in an awful state and blaming something like unemployment or the wealth divide on them is as hypocritical as it is pointless. They have done plenty to make fun of without pandering to cliches and lies.
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Wed 12 Oct 2011, 19:42,
I don't understand your reply. I didn't suggest that they magicked these problems up, more that they existed and that the inability to magic them away cannot be held against the tories.
Also I don't understand what you find wrong about encouraging house ownership Don't you think people should aspire to own property and assets? Do you want your children to own homes?
And what of the years of labour rule? Do you think that the tories fucked it all up before, then labour came in and did nothing wrong, and now the evil tories are ruining it all again? What about labour selling off our assets and gold, borrowing left right and center, increasing the civil service into a huge unsustainable bloated mass (in order to decrease unemployment by employing them directly by the state) and encouraging mass immigration at a huge rate which resulted in a figure of something like 97% of new jobs created in london being filled by immigrants since 2007?
I'm just saying, they took over the country in an awful state and blaming something like unemployment or the wealth divide on them is as hypocritical as it is pointless. They have done plenty to make fun of without pandering to cliches and lies.

and apologies if I snapped at you. Again my rant wasn't so much at your picture as it was at backing up the sentiment using rabble-rousing statements out of context. Don't wanna seem OTT but in my defense I did suggest gazzing me for debate rather than carrying on here.
Anyway obviously I know this is just b3ta and I don't take any of this seriously, but if some people are gonna yell "bunch of cunts" then it can't hurt to hear the other side.
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Wed 12 Oct 2011, 20:02,
Anyway obviously I know this is just b3ta and I don't take any of this seriously, but if some people are gonna yell "bunch of cunts" then it can't hurt to hear the other side.

are rather left wing. This site attracts the urban middle class crowd.
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Wed 12 Oct 2011, 20:08,

the urban middle class crowd might one day be interested in actual politics rather than popular opinion and hearsay. I don't care which wing you are, what newspaper you read or what party you support, but I do care that people form opinions based on facts not fictions.
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Wed 12 Oct 2011, 20:17,

People have got to stop demonizing others just for their views.
(unless they're BNP/NF)
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Wed 12 Oct 2011, 20:34,
(unless they're BNP/NF)

I'd like a citation for "massive overspending by the previous government", please.
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Wed 12 Oct 2011, 22:00,

now plesae fuck off tory boy
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Thu 13 Oct 2011, 0:09,

I didn't think I'd have to ask for a non-partisan source, but there you go. I could easily post a "no they haven't spent it all" from the Guardian in reply, after all.
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Thu 13 Oct 2011, 1:30,

coming to wipe out all the dinosaurs again
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Wed 12 Oct 2011, 20:44,

i'm used to seeing cutting political satire on b3ta, often from people like HT and BBD'O, but to see something this dry FP'd is a bit...hmmm
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Thu 13 Oct 2011, 9:07,

BBD'O is rarely funny, Happytoast with very few exceptions is great though. But it's getting worse and worse. I've become really quite sad at the way b3ta has changed from a fun, fluffy way to spend some time to what we have now. The dinosaurs compo was a nice change though and reminded me of how much of a nice place it used to be.
B3ta has always done current affairs, but generally it's done them in a way that everybody has accepted is wrong, but funny. The political stuff isn't funny, it's just hatred.
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Thu 13 Oct 2011, 11:04,
B3ta has always done current affairs, but generally it's done them in a way that everybody has accepted is wrong, but funny. The political stuff isn't funny, it's just hatred.

Also, to adress the point about "letting the banks go mad", Banks are private businesses and should be treated with the same rules as any other. They should be Neither overegulated, as in socialism , nor bailed out, as in corporatism, when the consequences of their actions hit them.
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Wed 12 Oct 2011, 19:22,