speaking of which, just remembered i've got 3/4 of a bottle of wine in the kitchen. now, do i drink it, or don't i?
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:16,
You could save it for a rainy day
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:17,
*checks weather*
damn, dry as a bone. still, this is the north west, shouldn't have to wait long.
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:21,
Ha! First time for everything!
(Bingowings2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch),
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:24,
with the possible exception of porcupine sex
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:26,
I was foolish enough to have a second go.
(Bingowings2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch),
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:30,
not at all pleasant, i'd imagine
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:33,
She was pleasant enough.
Could hold her drink, liked a curry, covered in lethal spines. Never phoned me back after date two though. May have been something I said about her Dad. He was a bit racist, in my opinion.
(Bingowings2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch),
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:36,
that's never a good sign
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:38,
Spines or racism?
(Bingowings2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch),
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:41,
racist spines
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:43,
(Bingowings2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch),
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:46,
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:47,
I've got half a bottle of Jura. A quarter bottle of Jura.
Am setle brl om Jrn.
(Bingowings2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch),
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:23,
I'll raise you a bottlerhfhjssssssssss
(Yo 'Ho of Charliemass-market saucetrepreneur,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:24,
hate whisky >.<
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:25,
Then we will never kiss.
(Bingowings2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch),
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:30,
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:32,
Yes. I would have liked to make you do a wee boak.
(Bingowings2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch),
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:34,
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:35,
I'm out of booze except some dated baileys should I go for it?
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:31,
smell it first
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:32,
It smells like Baileys
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:33,
then go for it
all that'll have happened is that it may have got a bit stronger
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:35,
Just had a sip then realised that the cream had started to seperate
I'm libel to be sick as a dog now lol or maybe not :D
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:36,
drink some milk, that might help
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:38,
my old history teacher
just posted a pic of himself with his new granddaughter on fb. haven't laid eyes on the man in 20 years, but he doesn't seem to have aged a day!
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:43,
A bit like Alvin Stardust then
I've seen modern footage of him, looks identical to how he did in the 70s.
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:52,
it's just not fair
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:53,
Drink it anyway
After the first glass you probably won't care anymore
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:40,
Dangerous alcohol is dangerous but fun lol
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:43,
yes it is :)
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:44,
Oh, crap. You're right. I smell like tomorrow's sick today!
Welcome to whisky world.
(Bingowings2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch),
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:46,
never again :(
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:48,
It reminds me of a drinking game I was in, years ago
I suddenly couldn't stomach Baileys, found it too sickly sweet. The guy whose flat I was in recommended I switch to listerine. Didn't get very far I have to say.
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:46,
he was clearly evil
i like his style!
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:49,
I remember he was very adamant that we finish the game
with one drink or another
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:51,
sounds like me when i'm on a mission
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:53,
I've got both.
Let me just try mixing the twOOOOOOOARAARRRRGHHHHHHH!!!!!!
(Bingowings2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch),
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:53,
it's my birthday in exactly one week
i've asked my brother for a blender. all the better for making daiquiris!
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:55,
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:58,
this doesn't help me get daiquiris
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:59,
You could render one ;)
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 23:02,
too much like hard work
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 23:14,
Also for removing "evidence"
I've had blender days too. "Bones to pulp" was my foolish insistance.
(Bingowings2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch),
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:58,
learn the lessons taugh us by john george haigh
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 23:00,
Wife Smoothies?
(Bingowings2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch),
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 23:04,
he wasn't married
but he was under the delusion that sulphuric acid would destroy bones completely. thanks to the foresight of his last victim, olive durand-deacon and his erroneous beliefs, he was caught, jailed and executed.
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 23:13,
The guy out of Duran Duran did what? Is this provable?
(Bingowings2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch),
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 23:18,
i wish
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 23:22,
no idea if you noticed but i replied to your
query , below. About tablets and line.
(it's Zoot, on twitter btw)
(Pasanonic's been known to cause insanity in laboratory mice,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 22:58,
I've got the Graphic Tablet working now is that what you mean?
by uninstalling the Bamboo drivers and software.
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 23:08,
I can't find your twitter reply.
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 23:10,
it's not done in one pass. it's always inked after sketching, either by hand (digitally) or by tools in a vector program.
(Pasanonic's been known to cause insanity in laboratory mice,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 23:31,
Ah that's simply brilliant
thanks so much
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 23:35,
I can go into detail
if you like sometime, there are further tweaks and tips, plus doing it by hand whilst time-consuming, (although once you have many things down pat you simply assign it all to actions ) is so much more satisfying and creative. But the basic trick is sketch it out rough. use the pen tool to create paths then ink the path with a brush set to do what you want ( narrow, broaden, fall off, mimic drying etc ) Just shout me on twitter if I can help.
(Pasanonic's been known to cause insanity in laboratory mice,
Sat 15 Oct 2011, 23:44,
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