Going by the ones that make me laugh most...
1. Discomeats
1. Cockweasle
1. Dekionplexis
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this,
Sat 3 Dec 2011, 15:31,
Ooooooooooooo I might win this one
can we also have a biggest cunt vote
Paul_P http://www.Paul-hub.com,
Sat 3 Dec 2011, 15:38,
yeah boi it's dope
phat like a hood rat
God I'm so street
Paul_P http://www.Paul-hub.com,
Sat 3 Dec 2011, 15:56,
I come here mostly for laughs and nonsense, so ^this
i'm not qualified enough to talk about artistic value of this or that b3tan style to rank them out.
Monocromatico Lady Godiva's horse,
Sat 3 Dec 2011, 16:27,
I agree
so I'll vote Valin, Darklord, and Jessie. They're above all of us now.
RedHouse over yonder,
Sat 3 Dec 2011, 16:41,