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# b3ta is dying
(, Fri 27 Jul 2012, 23:44, archived)
# ^ this, sort of
Sheds and Prince Charleses was a little boost, but these last few days have been the absolute worst since I joined. It's not a lack of threads, just new stuff (a lot of it NWOT) is being posted, and it's all so banal no-one can even be bothered to comment on it. Place is getting like a tumblr or something.
(, Fri 27 Jul 2012, 23:50, archived)
# except for what I post
that's fucking quality, and wasted on you plebian swine
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:13, archived)
# Your stuff is ahead of its time
and will only be understood once you're dead
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:19, archived)
# ahahahahaha!
same boat as me then!
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:36, archived)
# Rob bailed out of the qotw in the newsletter
which I sense the place has been destroyed by the "internet is a harsh environment, deal with it crowd."

That isn't actually why so many of us are put off with this place these days, it's the fact most of us can't be fucking arsed to deal with twats and mentalists on the internet when we log on after real life, which to be quite frank is quite hard going. The last thing I want to encounter when I get home from work is a barrage of wankers who assume they are somehow being clever or hard online being unpleasant to other people. It's really not what I can be arsed with.

(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:18, archived)
# Ah just been catching up on those shenanigans
QOTW is probably the board I follow the least closely.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:28, archived)
# I haven't posted there for ages
because a host of tossers turn up and ruin your thread, what's the point? Who wants cuntish replies archived?
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:32, archived)
# True true
Last time I posted there I got called a liar and a moron and told "I hope you die", and this was in the bloody recipes question of all things!

To be honest I found it quite funny. But for that reason I won't ever post anything remotely personal or sensitive on there. Whereas I might do if there was a bit more of a "mates-round-a-pub-table" kind of atmosphere, as there should be.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:40, archived)
# I'm not sure I'm following you.
What could Rob do?
This isn't an attack, btw, but a real question.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:29, archived)
# He writes the news letter and failed to mention the qotw in it because it apparently gave him a headache
I guess
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:35, archived)
# There isn't a qotw this week, though.
I don't really see why, because all the usual suspects will just have gone to off-topic to post 'so your story is' comments there instead.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:40, archived)
# I've seen off-topic. It's the absolute bilge of the site.
It's like the mutant-filled sewers in Futurama.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:46, archived)
# now I'm interested
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:49, archived)
# As a confirmed slut and mentalist
I resemble this remark. But it is true B3ta has taken a bit of a tumble recently regarding comments. The talent is still about though.
I've not seen QOTW in months, it got too much like /talk
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 1:01, archived)
# The disaster stories from the Australian b3tans were good.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 8:31, archived)
# Barrage of mentalists is a beautiful turn of phrase
I imagine you as a Lord Nelson-type figure, atop the sterncastle of an HMS Victory lookalike, bellowing at his men to stand fast, as an enemy battleship rakes his vessel with cannon fire.

The cannons are shooting mental people and sluts, smashing through the wooden hull of your ship, exploding in balls of blood, flesh, bone-shards, and gibberish.

(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 11:15, archived)
# I imagine the lack of comments is going to get worse.
If you post stuff and no-one says anything about it, you'll be less likely to comment on other people's work.
The whole mood seems to have gone a bit sour, with more excited responses to posts that don't abide by the FAQ than there are for good pictures.
I wish Moggy, Goodbye Fuckers and Clay were still here. Then at least we could have some fun bullying them off again :)
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:27, archived)
# Yeah I was actually quite glad to see those few Moggy posts the other day
It's like when you have a TV sitcom where the main character is an obnoxious bastard, say like Blackadder. You watch all the episodes thinking what a dick he is, then you see one where he's up against, say, the German "I voz zer sheep" guy played by Hugh Laurie, and suddenly you find yourself routing for Blackadder because, he may be a cunt, but he's OUR cunt.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:33, archived)
# Haha, yeah, kind of.
I lurked for a while before I joined, but I've still only been aware of b3ta for about 5 years and it does seem to have gradually declined in that time but recently at an accelerated rate.
I think it's partly to do with fickle, moody twits like me who can't decide whether to be nice, sarcastic or generally rude and occasionally post a half-arsed photoshop in order to justify not fucking off to /talk.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:37, archived)
# Oh, yeah, and the blatant favouritism doesn't help.
My pic has been in the top 3 popular of this week's compo since day 1. No's 1 and 2 are both on the front page. But do I get a front page? Do I bollocks.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:33, archived)
# i agree with the lack of comments
i sometimes spend hours on a pic, admittedly it's usually hours wasted, and the are pics usually shit.
sometimes i'll get one or maybe two comments, but then i'll notice it's appeared on the popular page.
i dunno, i think i'd rather have someone say something than anonymously click.
(unless of course the likes are counted and displayed for your own posts like the are on links)
clay and goodbye fuckers were good, it's a shame they're gone.
moggy, not so much
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:45, archived)
# ^ this, and,
let's not forget Fiend and Hedgehog from Hell, two b3tans we could have done without losing.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:49, archived)
# I didn't know HfH was gone as well.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:53, archived)
# It's even more disheartening for people who don't get comments OR on the popular page.
Particularly noobs I'd imagine. I sometimes chuck in a pity reply, but tbh I'm here less and less because it's all just gone a bit too quiet.
I often find that when I do decide to do a bit of b3ta-ing, everyone has gone to bed...
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:52, archived)
# it's very rare that i get on the popular page, and i hardly look there anyway.
if i like something, or think something deserves some recognition i usually say something.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 1:23, archived)
# I'm a bit slack in that respect.
It's hard to know what to say beyond 'haha' sometimes.
But that's still probably better than nothing, I suppose.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 1:28, archived)
# Moggy livens the board
but is no loss. In fact you might say the downhill trend started about the time she started posting in earnest. Jus' sayin'.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 1:07, archived)
# If that's right, I'd say it's a coincidence.
I really can't imagine dave putting people off posting here.
I dunno. I wonder what everyone does with their time these days?
I've got hooked on an online game.
Maybe that could be next week's qotw - 'where the fuck did everyone go, and why?'
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 1:18, archived)
# That's a shit idea. Fuck off.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 1:28, archived)
# Indeed.
I think a lot of opinion was divided. Some people, such as myself, didn't like Moggy after the peado posts. I have to confess I was surprised that some people I respected didn't seem to care too much just because there were giggles to be had. I cannot possibly talk for anyone else, but for me, it was a step too far even for B3ta and a lot of the time if I logged on and she/he was flavour of the day i logged out again.
I know I don't add a lot of laughs here but I'm part of the commenters and clickers.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 1:49, archived)
# what, like this?
like this?
tbh a lot of my stuff is nwot
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 2:32, archived)
# indeed
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 0:10, archived)
# U__U
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 2:15, archived)
# I think that since I moved to Australia,
it's been very hard to keep up with the goings-on. The time difference means I miss all the evening posts and the first flush of the gay shift.
I've also completely run out of hummus. In the last three months, I've only posted three new images that weren't bird drawings.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2012, 3:08, archived)