Dunno, wouldn't catch me near a hospital, they smell of death.
(2 Can ChunderWord to your mums, I came to prod bums,
Wed 17 Oct 2012, 16:51,
Death and disinfectant
Unlike GPs which smell of old people with nothing better to do than go to their doctor for a nice chat about the weather and I think I might have bunions my friend Mavis said she had bunions and she was telling me what they were like and I was thinking you know I might have something similar because it all seemed quite familiar and I know you remember a few years ago I came in, it was a beautiful day, beautiful weather...
Yeah, you kind of lose your sense of smell after a while or at least become immune to people who don't wash.
(2 Can ChunderWord to your mums, I came to prod bums,
Wed 17 Oct 2012, 16:56,
Oh, your practice is in Glasgow then?
(Ham o' Shatner-.-- --- ..- .-. / .- .-.. .-.. / --. .- -.--,
Wed 17 Oct 2012, 16:59,
And then you stop washing yourself and don't notice because you've lost your sense of smell
and then people start shouting WURZEL at you in the streets and you start drinking meths and your nights are filled with retching and throwing up strings of bile into filthy shit-filled sewers and in the morning your head pounds and the weak sun rams needles into your eyes and there's nothing to drink but lighter fluid for two hours til the shops open and then you stumble into work and two hours of talk talk talk and you don't fucking care about Mavis' fucking bunions and talk talk talk talk talk talk and you realise you're talking to yourself and pounding with the paperweight on your desk and her face has caved in and it's lucky your trousers are already red with your own blood but someone is hammering on the door and asking if you're alright and you look at the letter opener and you remember enough to know where your jugular is and you raise it to your throat