My gf (who's a battlestar fan) doesn't get this...
MonkeyFiend is drowning in the hoi-sin of your lies,
Tue 10 Apr 2018, 21:33,
I get the joke and I've really only seen the 1970s/80s Mormons In Space stuff
We need to make this /cheeseboard. All in favour say "Om nyom nyom".
Tribs 🦇 ↓ dn ʎɐʍ sᴉɥʇ ↓🦇,
Tue 10 Apr 2018, 21:42,
How about cheese AND flight?
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this,
Tue 10 Apr 2018, 22:05,
Everything seems in order here
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black,
Tue 10 Apr 2018, 22:51,
That's the proper tool for cheese.
In the UK you'll sometimes get those strange implements to garotte slabs of cheese with
macroscian (1 like),
Tue 10 Apr 2018, 22:42,
You're not dissing the leerdammer, are you?
*eyes suspiciously*
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this,
Tue 10 Apr 2018, 22:04,
I also think BSG when I see Leerdammer
S4RK perhaps perhaps purrrr..haps.,
Tue 10 Apr 2018, 22:17,