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[challenge entry]

From the Sesame Street challenge. See all 33 entries (closed)

(, Mon 23 Dec 2024, 0:20, archived)
# always thought Blue Man Group were a bunch of nonses
this would be much better!
(, Mon 23 Dec 2024, 0:22, archived)
# As a side note, I want to draw and animate frames on macOS.
Image ready isn't a thing anymore and nobody should have to use GIMP. What should I be using to make animated gifs?

Ideally I want to draw frames with transparency and add frames to a a timeline allowing me to select specific layers and tweening between frames. Can't be that hard right?
(, Mon 23 Dec 2024, 0:30, archived)
# ImageReady isn't a separate thing any more
but instead it's built directly into Tattyswap. if you have access to any version of it, open the animation timeline panel and you'll recognise the IR interface.

I've not done very much animation without Photoshop, and what little I did I used really basic stuff like drawing each frame individually then combining them into a single animated file using a command line tool like APNG.

Despite the name, Pixelmator has nothing directly for animation. Krita, which I keep meaning to learn to use 'cause it's free, apparently has pretty much what you're after: docs.krita.org/en/user_manual/animation.html
Their interface is a bit weird which is why I've not gotten as deep into it as I'd like to, but if you're happy to stick with it then it might be just what you need
(, Mon 23 Dec 2024, 2:03, archived)
# Personally, I adapted to gimp quite quickly.
It had some tricky UI stuff to navigate, but then after using photoshop for twenty five years, moving was always going to be difficult.

Saying that, I still haven't made any animations with it yet. Maybe that will be a little Christmas project.
(, Mon 23 Dec 2024, 7:04, archived)
# GIMP is great, I'm not sure what your problem is with it.
Apple people, eh. What are they like?
(, Mon 23 Dec 2024, 18:00, archived)
# Nah, GIMP is awful.
People that use it are also awful. Worse than Mac users tbh.
(, Tue 24 Dec 2024, 10:38, archived)
# Last I tried gimp (about 5 years ago?)
It was still ridiculously primitive even compared to my ancient PS CS1. E.g. there was no preview when setting parameters on filters, so you’d have to choose settings blind, take a look, undo, tweak settings, try again, repeat… until you conclude it’s clearly still not ready to be used by anyone who values their time.
(, Tue 24 Dec 2024, 14:08, archived)
# I use it, but then I've never used anything else so I've got nothing to compare it to.
I rarely make images these days so fuck learning to use another program.
(, Tue 24 Dec 2024, 14:43, archived)
# It's made by people with zero UX/UI skill (and let's face it, social).
They desperately need to engage with some non-basement-dwellers and fix it.

Changing the shit name might help too...
(, Tue 24 Dec 2024, 18:05, archived)
# UX lol
Wah my free open source software doesn't have the transitions and animations that convince me I'm using quality software like on my Apple buttplug.

Wah there are people making better quality art using free open source software on non-proprietary computer hardware so to feel better about myself I'll criticise them personally.
(, Fri 27 Dec 2024, 15:37, archived)
# I think there are still a couple of bundled filters/scripts that don't have an auto preview,
and 1 or 2 that don't even have a preview at all, I think they're usually labelled 'legacy' or whatnot, and I think the last time they were standard was longer than 5 years ago.

'Ridiculously primitive' is subjective. I never owned PS, my previous experience was with some wanky proprietary Apple shite, Deluxe Paint, MS Paint, and Mouse & Cheese. It's obviously more advanced than any of them and always has been.

PS was always overrated, and nowadays you can't even own it so it is sadly worthless.
(, Fri 27 Dec 2024, 15:45, archived)
# Woo!
(, Mon 23 Dec 2024, 9:57, archived)
# Yay!
(, Mon 23 Dec 2024, 12:16, archived)