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[challenge entry] Karaoke!

OK I admit it. I tape things to my face all the time. This makes MSN voice convos a lot easier, and allows me to dance like Madonna in her 'Like A Virgin' video, without losing contact. Lord I need a job.


From the Real world photoshopping challenge. See all 453 entries (closed)

(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:36, archived)
# no! you need more tape!
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:39, archived)
# True.
But I need a job to afford more tape.
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:39, archived)
# damn.
Vicious circle.
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:40, archived)
# Dancing video.
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:39, archived)
# Retard.

is the brand of medication you need to take, loon
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:40, archived)
# Ohh heres an idea!
People people! Give me some suggestions of what I should tape to my face next!
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:41, archived)
# I think your
own idea of taping a kitten to your head was ace.

Failing that, empty beer cans
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:42, archived)
# A burning knife*

*Will not be help responsable for injurys
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:42, archived)
# kylie
or jason
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:43, archived)
# some tapes.
and taps.

(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:43, archived)
# Yes!
Some tapes and some taps! That one is GETTING done tomorrow!
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:48, archived)
# raw bacon
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:44, archived)
# says the vegan!
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:47, archived)
# *looks innocent*
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:49, archived)
# How about eggs
ones that have been cracked open!
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:56, archived)
# A possibility.
But the raw bacon slides from underneath the tape. I am working on 'pinning' some gammon on there though.
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:49, archived)
# i demand
that you weld a car engine to your face.
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:52, archived)
# But but...
I'll die! I mean yes itll look impressive and itll guarentee that I win the b3ta compo for real life fotoshopping! but.... ACTUALLY YES!
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:55, archived)
# someone elses face.
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:45, archived)
# your
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:46, archived)
# He ponders.
That idea would be great if I was applying for a job in a circus.
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:51, archived)
# Ooo! mind if I

(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:42, archived)
# !
if you want to get rid of the rather unusual habit, try growing facial hair. >:)
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 5:02, archived)