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dig them moves
pippy is a truck ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 18:56,
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genius =)
Pablissimo ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 18:57,
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shake yo groove thang
ya ya ya woos fritters and yays
Ironic Ferret ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 18:57,
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What the hell is going on there?
StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 18:57,
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that's the best use of those crasy finns and that monkey that i've seen!
freshlegs ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 18:58,
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oh that's
just marvellous.
stouffer ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 19:00,
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CrackyPipe ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 19:01,
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?! ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 19:01,
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wow thats cool
johnvile dsfadsfgafgf ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 19:05,
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Though disturbingly, his legs do appear to be on backwards.
Tart Monkey ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 19:10,
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i was wondering about that too
Reverend Dan ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 19:16,
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thay are
my legs are the same
pippy is a truck ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 19:19,
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i wondered why
your profile pic only shows your top half. woo to the pic though!
Reverend Dan ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 19:20,
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.spanky is singing "PEANUTS!" ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 19:12,
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look at those rubber legs go!
herb soup
anno domini hiatus ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 19:12,
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Quelabra Don't Knock New York ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 19:28,
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woo !
that's absolutely marvelous !
oCo ,
Mon 26 May 2003, 19:33,
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