are watching it with the seats still folded. how are people behind ment to see now?
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Mon 24 Jun 2002, 22:36,

it's probably a romantic date movie.
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Mon 24 Jun 2002, 22:38,

he gets a bit arsey if you confiscate his glue though.
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Mon 24 Jun 2002, 22:42,

that's understandable. There's nothing more annoying than runing out ofcopydex when you need to glue stuff together
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Mon 24 Jun 2002, 22:46,

this house can't ever be without sellotape. You never know when a munted paper masterpiece needs to be sellotaped together. Has George made anymore works of art recently?
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Mon 24 Jun 2002, 23:01,

Thankfully nothing got sellotaped to me whilst I've been passed out round there (which has been often)
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Mon 24 Jun 2002, 23:05,

of the b3ta bash and more magazine faces on real faces to use up the film. Just can't afford to get it developed yet. The suspense is killing me.
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Mon 24 Jun 2002, 23:09,

the cheeky little fella's already married!
i can tell by his expression....hehehe
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Mon 24 Jun 2002, 22:41,
i can tell by his expression....hehehe

it's that expression she has every time she looks at Sharon...
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Mon 24 Jun 2002, 22:45,

How ya doing? Have just remembered that I owe you an email. Will write one tomorrow. How's the site and all that interview stuff and everything going?
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Mon 24 Jun 2002, 22:50,

...in fact I got an email not half an hour ago from San Fran to say the article should be in Wired News before the end of the week. Can't wait. Soon as I get the URL I'll send it to you.
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Mon 24 Jun 2002, 22:56,

I'm so excited for you, such good news. =D
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Mon 24 Jun 2002, 23:00,

is getting emails from all over the place. Last night I got invited to go for a holiday with an ex-pat Scot who lives in a village in northern California. And two minutes ago a guy called John wrote this: "I feel me perfect knowing we artist are coming together.
Keep writing and we can make an other world in art!!"
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Mon 24 Jun 2002, 23:06,
Keep writing and we can make an other world in art!!"

..went to see "Cool Runnings" starring John Candy. I know, I'm just an old romantic at heart....
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Mon 24 Jun 2002, 22:49,

Bloody spam-ad man has buggered off with his milkfloat...

They're going for a stroll along the promenade tomorrow. Then they're gonna play hide and seek in the Pavillion minarets. And if the milk float isn't back by 5:00, Spongmonkey is gonna get medieval on Twistface's ass.
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Mon 24 Jun 2002, 23:12,