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Scary Mary The D'oh Fairy ,
Wed 12 Nov 2003, 17:27,
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That is worryingly
scary and realistic! Woo too you miss Scary Mary!
Generationgav ,
Wed 12 Nov 2003, 17:28,
archived )
that really does tickle my fancy :)
the_fabulous_dancing_yak You like game? You come see 5punk.co.uk. You like! ,
Wed 12 Nov 2003, 17:29,
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Banana ,
Wed 12 Nov 2003, 17:29,
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Haha! For some reason, this looks like a totally normal dog!
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Wed 12 Nov 2003, 17:29,
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I thought so too!
Woo Yay to it
MissPrism ,
Wed 12 Nov 2003, 17:30,
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A large Woo, extra Yay
and a side serving of Houpla.Brightened my day, it did...
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Wed 12 Nov 2003, 17:31,
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What an expression!!
Fantastic. On that note, I'm going home. Thanks to B3ta for another non-productive day. Ta Ta
Toma_o ,
Wed 12 Nov 2003, 17:29,
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That is Grimm
(eyes the size of saucers? or towers* (I never got that bit either))*One of the Grimms' fairytales had dogs with big eyes...
Duncan Disorderly ,
Wed 12 Nov 2003, 17:31,
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Was that the one about the tinderbox?
*vague inklings of memory*
MissPrism ,
Wed 12 Nov 2003, 17:37,
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could have been...
/lots of them, all vague, whirling in my memory... Along with a tinderbox, I have; Bushels... Hot coins on windows to melt the ice... Mermaid walking on broken glass... Little matchgirl... gold on a measuring thing... ?
Duncan Disorderly ,
Wed 12 Nov 2003, 17:43,
archived )
i love
WhoElse I'm what Willis was talking about ,
Wed 12 Nov 2003, 18:01,
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So close to our dog...
Only we didn't need photoshop ;)
Art101 You all have an unhealthy and morbid fascination ,
Wed 12 Nov 2003, 21:19,
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