the b3ta kit on mutantwalrus has gone AWOL, so here is my own mirror of it:
As this is based on Spiny's copy of the kit, not everything may be there.
This is where you come in. Any meme you think is missing, make an easily editable image of them (white background or as a layered PSD), and e-mail it to me.
and have an image for your troubles:

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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:48,
As this is based on Spiny's copy of the kit, not everything may be there.
This is where you come in. Any meme you think is missing, make an easily editable image of them (white background or as a layered PSD), and e-mail it to me.
and have an image for your troubles:

not everything is there, which is why we need everyones collective searching abilities to repopulate it :)
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:50,

unless gibbon is still around and can find it
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:52,

could do with a note about how a lot of people are sick of the memes on that splash page
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:51,

how sick? Although they appear a little too frequently for my taste, no one has ever reacted very badly to a meme unless it was utter shite, eg sponging the quo. (as far as I remember) Ive not even seen it discussed, there seems to have been more backlash against vector images or general sign bandwagoning than memes.
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:58,

i think the message i've posted on the front page of the kit should suffice, its not too flamy and its covered in a fine layer of fluff :)
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:00,

there have been rants about memes in the past, notable my utter hatred of a certain sort of quo post. It has also provoked several debates on 4rthur about how unutterably dull they get
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:01,

that shaved kitten makes me wet myself every time i see it
could you put the american gothic heads up there?
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:52,
could you put the american gothic heads up there?

and it was such a useful one too
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:53,

but it was used a lot and clearly made things a lot easier
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:55,

i've been drinking polish cherry vodka
and i'm feeling a bit slow
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:57,
and i'm feeling a bit slow

Fucksocks... where do you find all those pictures of kittens?
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:53,

warning message up on the home page *check*
rubber pants *check*
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:59,
rubber pants *check*

Take care of your kitten fetish for a while. Go ahead, order one. I did, and I love the damn thing.
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:56,

Furtive, Deathstar, Quo, and NoHands.
Which, if any, would you like? (it's 4mb if you want them all)
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:56,
Which, if any, would you like? (it's 4mb if you want them all)

the other three have been salvaged (the PSD's are up and ready to roll).
e-mail in profile
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:58,
e-mail in profile