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Europe oui ou non?
Patriotic pete says too much really..
CerberusDog woof ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 15:31,
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Is firefox worth using? Uninstall IE? w/y/h to the pic by the way. EDIT: many thanks my strange and nerdy, speccy, internet-twat friends! I'll install it as soon as I get home, which if I bypass the pub, will be in about 30mins. Huzzah!
routine has perfected burgers ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 15:36,
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The Fox of Flame is masterful.
I've kept IE though, because there are a few sites that aren't FoxFriendly.
Kamikaze Stoat £4.09 ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 15:37,
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tis true
lycos mail (.co.uk) and natwest sites all moan, but other than that Firefox is the bestist
MrA ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 15:41,
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you can't really uninstall IE without buggering windows up.
firefox will happily run alongside it, and you can set it as your default browser
lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 15:38,
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use firefox
i do at home, but don't uninstall IE. it's always handy to have a back up. and i dont think you can have windows updates without IE. firefox is good, it has never crashed on me like IE does
mostly harmless John Leslie raped me on ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 15:38,
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Firefox is GRATE.
Tetsuo ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 15:39,
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the_fabulous_dancing_yak You like game? You come see 5punk.co.uk. You like! ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 15:40,
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100 pissant phakt*
* May not be entirely true
Tetsuo ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 15:42,
archived )
Firefox sucks ass!
Not really. use it. use it NOW!
Prof. Slocombe ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 15:40,
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What they said .
Them up there *points*
mog ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 15:41,
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If you have XP I dont think you can uninstall IE
I know you cant get rid of Media Player or Outlook (and not through lack of trying)
the_fabulous_dancing_yak You like game? You come see 5punk.co.uk. You like! ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 15:42,
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Had that for a while
(tried Opera and Netscape) but a lot of web sites only work in IE now. Plus you have to re-enter passwords etc. It does automatically import IE favorites and tabbed browsing is pretty woo, but MS have the market tamed methinks.
Small Beer ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 15:43,
archived )
Reminds me of the
suspect cards in Cluedoedit: how rude! w/y/h by the way
Prof. Slocombe ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 15:36,
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