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# photoshopness
i just got photoshop can anyone help me, all the tutorials are for people who actually want to work!
i know you are kind all you b3tans...
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 13:28, archived)
# oh dear
you're going to get anally raped for this one I imagine.

edit: wow! everyone is being so nice! aww I love you guys!
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 13:29, archived)
# anally
raped by friendly b3tans...news at 11.
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 13:30, archived)
# Always sanitising the news
What happens when pissed off b3tans get them?
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 13:32, archived)
# things
so foul that even I cannot think of them...and thats depraved.
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 13:34, archived)
# *lubes*
Try www.lemony.co.uk that's got a few on it.

Or google.com, that's how I learnt.
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 13:31, archived)
# ooh! ooh!
lookie my profile!
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 13:34, archived)
A picture of 2 people together. Amazing. Who'd have thought it? ;P
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 13:38, archived)
# pfft
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 13:42, archived)
# with a cactus probably
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 13:31, archived)
# What's the question?
The tutorials for work can also be used for sticking Barbar Werner's head on something else. Just arse about with it and see what works.
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 13:31, archived)
# Your best bet
is to open it up and play with it.

Then google for photoshop tutorials - there are quite a few out there and they are all much more help than you are likely to get here.
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 13:32, archived)
# arse about
cut stuff out of one pic and stuff it onto another...

get to know the selection tools.
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 13:33, archived)
# Just play around...
Most of B3ta stuff doesn't require much in the way of technique..just lots of Hummus.
Ohh...and welcome to the world of PhotoShop, you'll never look back :¬)
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 13:38, archived)
# Have a look on
They sell back issue photoshop specials, with all the images etc needed for the tutorials.
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 13:56, archived)