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# Co operative Paintmash project

I've seen a few of the co-operative paintmash projects
such as the Hotel and the Motel, paintmash tennis. Also

been looking at other cooperative artish things online for


I was thinking of doing a fractal paintmash. The idea been

you start with one image that has hot links on a number of

details, click on them to go down to a more 'detailed'

paintmash of that item or area.

eg zooming in on a pc screen might show, a few named icons

taht are clickable and a picture of a house with windows

that are clickable.

Using flash I can re-incorperate details up through the

levels so the paint mashed additions also show up as tiny


Ill add a link to the flash after ive got the first level


Is anyone interested?

If so here is the start image I'm using, okay its a pretty

boring picture at the moment, but I'm sure with input from

B3tans it can be improved.

As editor and I'll be hosting the finished flash , the following are 'guidelines':
1) Image size should be 400 x 300
2) Animation in gif form are permited as long as they aint bigger than 100k
3) NO CDC, goatse, babs, munter, svenno or excessive gore.
4) Brain, kittens, tastefully naked women and other memes and bandwagons ARE permited.
5) Some reasonable quality level is required, I will reject anything which is totally crappy or too obscene or too purile.

Moderately SFW is perferable, although if someone does something really good that isnt it might get included....

Ideally i want about 8 or 10 hotspots on the first image and then it can drop down to 3 or so on other layers.


Lanc has already reserved the wonder woman postcard
Harris Haggis has reserved the Camera
LordGert reserves the Haworthia plant

(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:26, archived)
# 'NO CDC, goatse, babs, munter, svenno or excessive gore'
I will reject anything which is totally crappy or too obscene or too purile.

Where's the fun in that?
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:30, archived)
# Quiet in front
*Throws pop-corn* ;)

Nothing wrong with trying to make something thats SFW and of reasonable quality is there?
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:34, archived)
# It will be both SFW
and SWF.

It took me ages to think of that.
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:35, archived)
# Too obscene or purile???
Do you pay attention to this forum?

Purility (sp?) is its stock-in-trade!!

good idea, though. Not sure I've got an active enough right brain, though.
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:33, archived)
# what's a cdc
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:38, archived)
# and that's a photo so it's not a real paintmash
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:39, archived)
# and what's the point in banning memes?
don't go all worth1000 on us
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:40, archived)
# and why is One replying to himself instead of editing
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:40, archived)
# because you're an idiot
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:41, archived)
# oh
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:41, archived)
# I think we all agree with that

/legs it
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:41, archived)
# ahahhahahaa
break the chain!!!
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:42, archived)
# you will
never break the chain

/fleetwood mac
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:43, archived)
# hmmm...

*watches 1980s GP videos*
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:53, archived)
# sorry if u misread
Im not banning memes the rest of the memes are fine,
I just wanted to not have the specific ones
of cdc, goatse, and the two fat birds on there.

and I started out with a photo as that was the best way to get lots of good clickable items in.

when the new images are put in the start pphoto will be modified to match the adjustments, b4 u zoom in.

oh and harris had the camera (lost a couple of bytes there)
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:59, archived)
# you really don't know what a cdc is?
you? of all people? you?!?!
crudely drawn cock
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 10:40, archived)
# I think you'll find
thata CDC is the Christian Drinking Club
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 17:49, archived)
# Emm
yep thats the fellows, they get pissed out of their minds then draw crduely drawn cocks everywhere...
(, Sat 17 Jul 2004, 19:08, archived)