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# oh well
i'll just post as smirny *THIS IS FNORD* you an see me on his webcam actrually on www.smirnotopia.tk/ i'ts pointing at the other couch but i can wave if you want.
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 8:44, archived)
# OK, I'm watching
How about a wave?
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 8:48, archived)
# Woo! I see you!
Lucky bastard, you've got a kitten
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 8:51, archived)
# oh yes don't let it fool you though
it's a bird-eating kitten. the first time i saw it the morning after it came in the catflap with a dead bird. a full sized pigeon, i just saw this bird coming through thje catflap, very surreal.
It's climbing all over me now, i'm over by the computer (typjing again) *THIS IS FNORD*
ahhhh it's hungryi think, or it just likrs fnords.
The pigeon was not dead though it turned out 'it was only resting' playing dead and it hadn't run off to join the choir invisible.
The pigeoan started flying around in smirnys house but was released eventually in a real 'Born Free' stylee. *THIS IS FNORD* Please don't think smirny has gone all fnordic.
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 8:55, archived)
# Could be hungry for fnords?
I'd watch out if I were you.

Just popping out for 20 minutes ... back soon
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 8:56, archived)
# see ya
maybe, if i'm not around tell them, spread the word. CUPIDGREEN is PEOPLE!!!!!
I'll stop now though.
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 8:58, archived)
# hello!
i couldn't see you on the webcam. are you still up from last night? was it fun? have you watched The Ring yet?
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:03, archived)
# morning, no we didn't watch it in the end, stayed out
till 2 or 3, i woke up about an hour ago (who needs sleep.
have you got mrbongos mobile number? can you txt it to me *THIS IS FNORD* i'll go sit on the couch and wave and show my grazed elbow again. I am going to go to st albans to see the 100%'s and watch it with them in a bit, then come back to London and try and stay up all tomorrow night at a bootleg video thing.
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:06, archived)
# ahh ok
i thought if you guys were sticking around london for the videos i might be well enough to join you. but i don't think i could make the trip out to st albans. i don't have mrbongo's mobile number sorry. he is also ill, though.
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:10, archived)
# i can see
smirny's cat, and the top of your head!
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:12, archived)
# he said he might come but haven't seen him since yesterday
It's 20 mins from Kings X BR station i think. It's a pity you both had to miss last night too. The more b3tans the merrier it gets (almost slipping into piratese then) I don't know what'l happen really but smirnys got an x box her at the moment with some great little addictive games -fusion frenzy , we playyed a bit last night when we got in. One of the background musics on one part of it had the same 'ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. ahhhhhhhhhhhh' that is in my IraqBacksDown mp3 i made the other day, i thought i was hearing things.
And i was. Hearing. Things. And they were familiar. And i recognised where they were from.
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:19, archived)
# i've made the
trip out to st albans before. i know it's not that far. but i'm a bit weak after not being able to keep down any food or water yesterday, so it would be a bit ambitious. sounds like you all had another fun night!
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:23, archived)
# take some peptabysmal
and then take something to relieve the peptabysmal, 'and then.. wrap a hot towel round your head'.
Seriously, I hope you get back to normal soon. Seen any Space Ghost lately?
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:27, archived)
# i haven't seen
that cd you made for me for ages, due to terrible clutter on my desk, probably. but i did see a space ghost woo yay yesterday that was pretty special!
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:29, archived)
# excellent!
i fear this thread is edging towards the edge
i might have to reign her back in.
WOAH!! Easy there, Woah!!!
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:35, archived)
when i say WOAH there thread i mean WOAH! there thread.
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:36, archived)
# i think she's not listening
bad, recalcitrant thread!
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:38, archived)
# and
bye for the nĂ¥! i'm off to do morning things.
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:43, archived)
# i'll try the sugary approach
Nice thread want a sugarlump? Come on thready, come back in and i'll give you a nice sugarlump. And some challenge entries too, who knows maybe if you're good a meme trump too.
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:43, archived)
# just to help
you reign her back in...
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:45, archived)
# oh i think that good fnord, good fnord/bad fnord technique qorked.
Nice thready
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:51, archived)
# i see you baby
waving that hand
waving that hand...
good morning, you alkies you!
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:24, archived)
# morning morning morning.
for some reason i always seem to wake up quite early after a night out when i stay at someone elses. Has there been any news from the northern bash? or is that tonight.
I ghink it;s tonight isn;t it? or are there even more weary eyed b3tans up there than there are in London?
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:31, archived)
# it's tonight
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:33, archived)
# hmmmm
how far is 'the North' from London again? (no only joking i'm not considering going.. no really... hmmm, no, it's too far.)
I keeop getting called a Northerner by ppl in London despite the fact i'm in the middle. (cliched Londoners think anything North of Watford is the north type comments)
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:41, archived)
# i was thinking of going
but am not now. which means there's a spare bed probably...
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:44, archived)
# leeds, innit
see, that's your problem, you don't say 'innit' enough. northern monkey!
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 9:49, archived)
# Does that mean I'm a northener too?
I do hope not, how common.
(, Sat 21 Sep 2002, 10:23, archived)