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Sometimes you just do things
and you don't know why... [inspired by Popt Art www.b3ta.com/board/4/7/3/4/1/3 and the lovely windmills] I 'had to' do this...
Kamikazee Killmouse ,
Tue 12 Nov 2002, 13:54,
archived )
is a thing of incredible beauty! :)
rogan ,
Tue 12 Nov 2002, 13:56,
archived )
i concur
sorry, always wanted to say that
Dr. Kitteny Berk almost certainly drunk ,
Tue 12 Nov 2002, 13:57,
archived )
that really is fookin
spankin gorgeous and far superior to the original - *applause* : )
popt_art ,
Tue 12 Nov 2002, 15:05,
archived )
but brilliant
curry monster ,
Tue 12 Nov 2002, 13:58,
archived )
mooglemania Please disregard this sig. ,
Tue 12 Nov 2002, 14:00,
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that is lovely
I could watch that for hours. Woo Yay etc etc
Pootle ,
Tue 12 Nov 2002, 14:06,
archived )
it's the reflections
that do it superdooper for me - have you a specially cool way of doing them? can you share?
brainstuff can eat a whole shredded wheat ,
Tue 12 Nov 2002, 14:15,
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nowt fancy
just knew i was going to have the reflections when I was in Potatoshop - had em ready in there - then decreased the opacity throughout the frames when I transferred to Imageready. aye it was the reflection that drew me to do this from the original - they definately had ears!
Kamikazee Killmouse ,
Tue 12 Nov 2002, 14:21,
archived )
I like the cut of your jib sir.
Stand at ease. :)
brainstuff can eat a whole shredded wheat ,
Tue 12 Nov 2002, 14:36,
archived )
thats great!
brilliant reflections as well! a masterpiece
the_fabulous_dancing_yak You like game? You come see 5punk.co.uk. You like! ,
Tue 12 Nov 2002, 14:16,
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nice of those cats
to help that mouse learn how to count. Worthy of Sesame Street indeed!
Blackrock ,
Tue 12 Nov 2002, 14:22,
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