Both of them are only capable of playing themselves...
... the only actor worse is Sean Connery.... He has a great range - A Scottish king of England, a Scottish Russian sub captain, a Scottish Spanish immortal swordsman...
I hear he doesn't play a bad scotsman though...
Beastie is doing science with his arse,
Wed 19 Oct 2005, 15:16,
i've seen him play a scottish arab
can't remember which film tho
monstrinho do biscoito teeeshurts =,
Wed 19 Oct 2005, 15:18,
Scottish? News to me...
I always thought they called him 007 for the amount of times he visited Scotland, never realised that's what that wanky accent was supposed to be...
Guineapiggy Fuzzeh!,
Wed 19 Oct 2005, 15:18,
shcotshman Shirley
Purple Onion,
Wed 19 Oct 2005, 15:18,
I always...
...wanted Shean to do the voice of Lion-O from Thundercats:
"Shword of Omensh, give me shite beyond shite!"
Sartori is moving to Canada, eh?,
Wed 19 Oct 2005, 15:22,
Hahaha, you silly bugger
Guineapiggy Fuzzeh!,
Wed 19 Oct 2005, 15:22,
Explosive diarrhea!
Beastie is doing science with his arse,
Wed 19 Oct 2005, 15:24,
he does play a bad Scotsmen - in the Avengers!

Wasp Box like a nervous random stranger at a glory hole,
Wed 19 Oct 2005, 15:24,