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Noon all....
benkai Doing nothing as of ...,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 12:27,
I don't fucking get it
that is all
Nonny Mouse. -- Scared as a Shitting Scorpion,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 12:39,
Oh dear....
It's just me then.... :o(
Maybe like a POW it's been poorly executed...
benkai Doing nothing as of ...,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 12:40,
It appears to
care to explain for people who don't know who either of these people are?
Nonny Mouse. -- Scared as a Shitting Scorpion,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 12:41,
But Clifford? Isn't he the poker dealer from Ocean's 11 in BG?
@><|= w0nu!) or cunt to my friends,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 12:43,
Big Red Dog
103% of pure-bred fact
Fishcat Difficult difficult lemon difficult.,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 12:44,
Cliford Price is he's real name.....
Before he was Goldie. So named because of his teeth...
benkai Doing nothing as of ...,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 12:44,
and Johnny Hard Bastard is?
who exactly?
Nonny Mouse. -- Scared as a Shitting Scorpion,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 12:48,
I thought it was
because he liked the old Blue Peter pets.
Edit: you know, Petra, Shep, Joey and Goldie.
F5 F5 F5 Can't be arsed.,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 12:49,
he got his name because of his beautiful blonde hair. from "goldilocks", innit?
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 13:11,
Ah right
has goldie got gold teeth?
Nonny Mouse. -- Scared as a Shitting Scorpion,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 12:42,
Well I think
this is good, so hoorays!
Button Man ...a right bottom feeder.,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 13:05,
I get it - woo
Put your money where your mouth is.
fills teeth in with gold.
next week - guy puts a hard jonny in his mouth.
I'll might miss that one - pop down the shop for something.
waxdart hello.,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 14:30,
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