a white christmas before.
a decked up hall,
mince pies and carols.
( ,
Mon 6 Jan 2003, 8:58,
a decked up hall,
mince pies and carols.

i'm the real santa, yes i'm the real santa
all you other fake santas are just imitating.
( ,
Mon 6 Jan 2003, 9:03,
all you other fake santas are just imitating.

Your DivX encode works fine. You might want to point people to this link to get the codec: www.divx-digest.com/software/divxcodec5.html
apparently a lot of people are switching to the xvid codec now, but I don't think you'll see a massive improvement.
( ,
Mon 6 Jan 2003, 9:13,
apparently a lot of people are switching to the xvid codec now, but I don't think you'll see a massive improvement.