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# B3ta just made you lose The Game
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:29, archived)
# pissflaps
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:29, archived)
# bastard!
that's twice today
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:30, archived)
# sorry
still love your username though.
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:42, archived)
# Do you ever win at the game?
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:30, archived)
# No it's impossible

(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:31, archived)
# Then I would like to put forward the motion that the game sucks
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:31, archived)
# I'll suck your motions in a minute
*no I fucking won't
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:44, archived)
# You are winning all the time you are not losing
and all the time that little cunt child isn't posting on b3ta
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:32, archived)
# Surely the Game ends when there is a winner.
Everything in between is people just fighting it out
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:33, archived)
# If everyone won it could end I suppose
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:35, archived)
# So odds of it ending are slim to none?
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:36, archived)
# Until someone remembered it...
then we'd be fucked again.
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:36, archived)
# Solution: KILL ALL HUMANS!
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:38, archived)
# I bet it would be you as well
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:45, archived)
# except theres a 30 minute period..
..to forget once some loses
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 14:20, archived)
# I am said Cunt Child.
*pokes sig*
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:35, archived)
# I've been playing the game for years.
I find that regular mentions don't bother me, it's when you go 6 months without it then someone asks "how do you play the game then?" in reference to e.g a nintendo Wii title and your mind makes the link and you reply

"well first you... FUCKSOCKS!"
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:40, archived)
# when will this sad nonsense be forgotten
won't anyone think of the children?
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:35, archived)
# *thinks of children*
*reports to police station in accordance with Sarah's Law*
(, Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:43, archived)