Why the Wiki-socks-not-dead-cat link!?
*edit* Aha, yes, the _cat additive now makes more sense! ;)
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Sat 21 Feb 2009, 11:16,
*edit* Aha, yes, the _cat additive now makes more sense! ;)

but then without them, he woulda just been another queen in sequins, and that's just not Liberace. Sauce
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Sat 21 Feb 2009, 11:49,

it's not exactly flattering, and boy did he love to accessorise...
the world wouldn't have been the same without him tho.
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Sat 21 Feb 2009, 11:57,
the world wouldn't have been the same without him tho.

it really looks as if it's made of squashed sausage or chicken filets.
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Sat 21 Feb 2009, 12:16,

maplecured streaky smoked Lidl special if you have it.
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Sat 21 Feb 2009, 12:05,

i always stop at somerfield, which is closer, but you can have some of that if you like
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Sat 21 Feb 2009, 12:26,

where-as most supermarket bacon is 80-85% and the rest is water and additives like milk solids (that white stuff that comes out of cheap bacon and chicken) which is why it has the consistency of wet tissue paper.
Lidl do cheapy bacon and chicken too like but they're the only supermarket I can find that also does premium stuff that isn't sold at M&S prices.
It's worth the extra as not only isn't it nasty, it doesn't disappear when you grill it.
In fact now I've talked about it so much I think a well buttered bacon sarnie with tomato paste is in order...
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Sat 21 Feb 2009, 13:34,
Lidl do cheapy bacon and chicken too like but they're the only supermarket I can find that also does premium stuff that isn't sold at M&S prices.
It's worth the extra as not only isn't it nasty, it doesn't disappear when you grill it.
In fact now I've talked about it so much I think a well buttered bacon sarnie with tomato paste is in order...