journey to the centre of the brain injury clinic.
more! i love your animations.
postbear has metal knees,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 3:48,
Yes well done.
I too enjoy your anims. Where have you been lately? Long time no post.
BargeArse Maker of fine Trouser Trumpets since 1863,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 3:51,
nicly done
You've also reminded me of how I feel many mornings...
Art101 You all have an unhealthy and morbid fascination,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 3:57,
...whutyutalkinboutwillis?...(did you shop a kitten yet?...haa haa!)
atomic A-bomb-a-nation,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 4:17,
I have not shopped a kittin. It's an outrage.
But I have seen your work on other forums. I know it's yours. You have a signature look.
cowcat Bituminous squeegee,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 4:32,
wow... that's a trip!...
...(send money you fuckers!).... :D
atomic A-bomb-a-nation,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 4:51,