which is a superior film
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Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:21,

I really thought that scene was the one from Alien. No Alien3 was pretty fail but the director's cut made it so much better.
But what I meant was the whole Alien Quadrilogy was my favourite set of films.
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Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:24,
But what I meant was the whole Alien Quadrilogy was my favourite set of films.

also: Alien or Aliens?
/The correct answer here is Alien
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Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:25,
/The correct answer here is Alien

however for sheer action packed explosions and alien killing spree Aliens wins.
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Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:27,

I applaud your infinite racks of bottoms.
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Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:32,

Ridley Scott is all of teh win. Also I have a lot
of time for Jean-Pierre Jeunet (& Domenique Pinon,
bien sur) so I can forgive Resurrection.
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Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:27,
of time for Jean-Pierre Jeunet (& Domenique Pinon,
bien sur) so I can forgive Resurrection.

See Delicatessen, Amelie, City Of Lost Children and Very Long Engagement.
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Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:31,

just because he made Delicatessen, Amelie, City Of Lost Children and Very Long Engagement, doesn't mean that AR was well made....
Jeunet and Joss Whedon should be ashamed of themselves for that film...
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Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:35,
Jeunet and Joss Whedon should be ashamed of themselves for that film...

but I welcomed the fact that they had brought Sigourney Weaver back into the film but I was worried about the way they would do it - however it worked pretty well and the idea of Ripley as a hybrid cloned alien/human was really very clever. The hybrid alien at the end of the film didn't work so well for me as you just ended up feeling sorry for it as it got sucked out to space through a tiny hole.
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Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:33,

it should have just ended at A3 with Ripley's death. If they wanted to do another, just explored new characters elsewhere that somehow encounter aliens. Start from scratch as it were.
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Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:39,