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# We watched that last night, oddly enough
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:02, archived)
# any good?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:02, archived)
# Pissage of the highest order :D
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:03, archived)
# Not really
Very enjoyable bollocks is how I would describe it.

If you enjoy 24 because of all the hard man/trained soldier stuff you'll love Taken, if you enjoy 24 because of the smarts, you'll probably hate it.
It was like Jack Bauer with his overshadowing love of his daughter, but if he didn't give a shit about morals, and if you took away the intellect of what he could realistically do*.

*Not that I'm claiming 24 is actually totally possible, just that they often do a good job of suspending disbelief
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:10, archived)
# Bah,
never really liked the idea of 24 really. I'll give it a miss :)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:13, archived)
# I'm really not an action film fan
nor a big buyer into the kudos given to soldiers...but 24 is possibly one of my favourite things ever.

I was left reeling after the first episode I ever saw, one of the best bits of tv in existence...and this is from someone who really doesn't like/watch many tv shows at all.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:17, archived)
I love 24 and I was surprised by how good taken was. It runs along very similar lines as 24, but Liam Neeson would whoop Jack Bauers butt when it comes to imaginative torture techniques.

Definitely worth a watch at least once, I liked it for it's no nonsense approach to getting the job done.

A good example, he's on a boat, guards are looking for him, one peers through the glass porthole in a door, to be greeted with a bullet between the eyes. In 24 it would have involved an elaborate fight sequence. It was raw agression!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:33, archived)
# Saw it last week
not bad - plenty dont like it because of the obvious theme/racism but its just an action film..

Neeson is quite good in it too

/contains no ref to skiing
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:07, archived)
# I thought Neeson did an excellent job of playing that character
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:13, archived)
# Any good?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:03, archived)
# Not a bad film as it goes.
At least I think so. It was last summer when I saw it and there has been a lot of beer since then.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:06, archived)
# Pfft!
I watched Paul Blart Mall Cop the other day and enjoyed it, so I think I will pretty much enjoy anything anyway ;)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:08, archived)
# Christ.
I was unable to watch that through to the end and have not had the desire to go back to it.

I watched "The Echelon Conspiaracy" ( aka 'the gift' ) the other night.

I wish I'd have been murdered instead.
Did someone not tell those guys that your entire story was done last summer in "Eagle Eye" and that version was only passable?
empty script supported by b list actors with a couple of cameos to prop it up. Implausable characters reacting totally unnatural to extremely impossible situations.

I can't say it's the worst film I have seen this year because I've seen Far Cry and Fire from Below but damn, it's close.

A film I really enjoyed last week was "Faintheart". Good old British comedy with a high dose of geekery.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:15, archived)
# I am a real sucker for shit comedies.
Not heard of fanitheart, I'll check it out.

I really hope Edgar Wright makes another films soon with Pegg and Frost.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:18, archived)
# Pegg and frost are
busy on Tintin I think.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:22, archived)
# I just read up on that.
Directed by Spielberg, and written by Joe Cornish.

That is gonna fucking well rock!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:26, archived)
# I saw Far Cry too..... Christ almighty that was bad....
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:27, archived)