caffeine is my main vice. i'd like to be reincarnated as an espresso machine.
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Tue 31 Mar 2009, 5:33,

speaking of which, where's mofaha?
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Tue 31 Mar 2009, 5:40,

Be able to steam the flesh off of the braindead idiots
they always hire in the coffee shops. I'd enjoy that.
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Tue 31 Mar 2009, 5:41,
they always hire in the coffee shops. I'd enjoy that.

It's strange, some trendy fucknut comes in and orders a
ice malted double soya half mucus with rat turd sprinkles
and a leper twist and they get it. I ask for a fucking simple
Cappuccino made with real milk foam, and I get a flat pile
of rancid skim milk and soya sludge on a watery coffee.
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Tue 31 Mar 2009, 5:51,
ice malted double soya half mucus with rat turd sprinkles
and a leper twist and they get it. I ask for a fucking simple
Cappuccino made with real milk foam, and I get a flat pile
of rancid skim milk and soya sludge on a watery coffee.

i know murchie's isn't great, but it's not swill. there was a place called trees we used to go to that was good, as i recall.
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Tue 31 Mar 2009, 5:56,

Blends or the like. The problem is the idiots never clean the
tools, mainly the steam jugs, and so everything tastes the same.
Some small shops, but they hire even more pathetic humans
and you're lucky to get your order filled this century.
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Tue 31 Mar 2009, 6:06,
tools, mainly the steam jugs, and so everything tastes the same.
Some small shops, but they hire even more pathetic humans
and you're lucky to get your order filled this century.