People think they have an automatic right to take on the police at their demonstrations as is evident when ever the usual mob of left wing, anti-Starbucks wankers get together and 'plan' a peaceful protest against something quite legitimate. The problem is, amongst them are a bunch of anarchist tossers who will always stir up trouble; none of them can actually fight, so their determination is to smash or charge a few cops in a position when they they have briefly the position of overwhelming numbers to smash to feel brave
I honestly want that cop to have the power to beat that tosser senseless, but Batman and Robin would be better
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Wed 1 Apr 2009, 22:40,
I honestly want that cop to have the power to beat that tosser senseless, but Batman and Robin would be better

but all the footage I have seen is of wanker vandals getting away with it and arsehole coppers hitting the peaceful easy targets.
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Wed 1 Apr 2009, 22:48,

That's simply being confrontational and potentially very violent
I'm as angry as anyone about what's got on in the banking system, i've lost fucking hundreds according to the last letter I got; and that was on one investment, but seem to remember that when there was half of Europe enslaved by ideals of socialist utopias, and people being shot trying to flee it.
It didn't work. And it won't ever work. Humans are simply not equal, and can't actually operate when you try and force them to be so.
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Wed 1 Apr 2009, 23:00,
I'm as angry as anyone about what's got on in the banking system, i've lost fucking hundreds according to the last letter I got; and that was on one investment, but seem to remember that when there was half of Europe enslaved by ideals of socialist utopias, and people being shot trying to flee it.
It didn't work. And it won't ever work. Humans are simply not equal, and can't actually operate when you try and force them to be so.

they seemed to block all the roads so no one could get out... people at the front where not trying to be part of the violence mearly escape it (well thats what it looekd like on the news)
as for loosing money... i've lost about 8k, been there done that, i'm spending all my money on petrol - not worth saving for anything nowadays!
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Wed 1 Apr 2009, 23:16,
as for loosing money... i've lost about 8k, been there done that, i'm spending all my money on petrol - not worth saving for anything nowadays!

anything they can. They have to be the most repugnant group of mother fuckers I can think of, not least because they ruin the anger for everyone else
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Wed 1 Apr 2009, 23:27,

is necessary to restore the calm not-giving-a-fuck norm that England has.
Last time there was a proper riot was pre-2001, so I suppose it was coming really.
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Wed 1 Apr 2009, 23:01,
Last time there was a proper riot was pre-2001, so I suppose it was coming really.

i appear to have missed the reason for this riot?
edit : also what is a g20? sounds like a type of machine gun...
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Wed 1 Apr 2009, 22:33,
edit : also what is a g20? sounds like a type of machine gun...

Get yourself a bandana from top man and start hurling bricks!
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Wed 1 Apr 2009, 22:39,