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# Lost Classics (Pt xvi)

Previously on Lost Classics

edit - thought I'd add some dun darach for the puter fun...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 21:59, archived)
# Woo

FUCKSOCKS! They changed the comp did't they?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 22:00, archived)
# Spice?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 22:02, archived)
# No-one puts baby in the Pop Tart?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 22:07, archived)
# They are all POPular TARTS!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 22:08, archived)
# No-one puts POPular TARTS in the corner?

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 22:19, archived)
# i love this series
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 22:01, archived)
# I read that as the IT girl
and I expected one woman to be holding a laptop and a couple of Cat 5 leads.

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 22:01, archived)
# my ideal bride
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 22:35, archived)
# One of my favourite albums ever
Lovely =]
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 22:01, archived)
# i love these!
woo! :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 22:02, archived)
# if i dont see these in an art exibition somewhere soon
i will be most upset. Woo to all of them! :D

wanna print them on canvas? let me know, gaz me
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 22:33, archived)
# I fear
I'm not doing them hi-res enough for that.
I could do a printable with them all on when I finally get bored - I've done them all at about twice the size on the boards - about 900px so that's 3 inches at 300dpi...

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 23:30, archived)
A CD I actually have in my collection.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 22:45, archived)