www.b3ta.com/links/Star_Wars_Photos has put me in even more of a Star Wars frame of mind than usual today...

All you'll get from is a beat-off blister.
Sorry, the Star Wars Gangster Rap came out then.
Nice pic though.
( ,
Fri 7 Aug 2009, 13:57,
Sorry, the Star Wars Gangster Rap came out then.
Nice pic though.

*notes that phrase for future use and self-diagnosis
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Fri 7 Aug 2009, 14:28,

I'm going to make a petition
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Fri 7 Aug 2009, 13:59,

granted it was called other things when the romans were here, but it's definitely been like it a few hundred years
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Fri 7 Aug 2009, 13:58,

hahah, on the beeb ashes page: From David Martin, TMS inbox: "Forty minutes without the loss of a wicket - God bless the lunch break."
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Fri 7 Aug 2009, 14:03,

it has to be utter shit for a drop in form of that magnitude, surely....
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Fri 7 Aug 2009, 14:06,

"Just to confirm to Andy Rawle (1142hrs) that I've taken his advice and am now starving the children while I focus wholly on the rest of the Ashes. One of them's asked me to quickly google the number for the NSPCC between innings. I know CC stands for Cricket Club though not sure about the rest. Great to see she's really getting into it, though."
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Fri 7 Aug 2009, 14:06,
"Just to confirm to Andy Rawle (1142hrs) that I've taken his advice and am now starving the children while I focus wholly on the rest of the Ashes. One of them's asked me to quickly google the number for the NSPCC between innings. I know CC stands for Cricket Club though not sure about the rest. Great to see she's really getting into it, though."

all my worldly goods, bar the 'pooter, is ready and waiting to be moved.
It's all very odd indeed.
How's about you?
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Fri 7 Aug 2009, 14:07,
It's all very odd indeed.
How's about you?

Whenever I do that, once I've chucked out all the crap of ages, I am always surprised at how little the sum total of my worldly goods and chattels actually adds up to.
Hopefully buying a house soon so that will all change with the advent of furniture! At the moment we are looking at moving into an unfurnished house with a sofa bed, 2 clothes rails and a coffee table.
I'm OK - been off for 3 days with a stinker of a cold that didn't even have the decency to turn out to be pigflu. Dammit.
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Fri 7 Aug 2009, 14:11,
Hopefully buying a house soon so that will all change with the advent of furniture! At the moment we are looking at moving into an unfurnished house with a sofa bed, 2 clothes rails and a coffee table.
I'm OK - been off for 3 days with a stinker of a cold that didn't even have the decency to turn out to be pigflu. Dammit.

Ah, you must be referring to all the nice things I used to have before the ex decided they were hers and she took them...
I jest, but only a bit...
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Fri 7 Aug 2009, 14:26,
Ah, you must be referring to all the nice things I used to have before the ex decided they were hers and she took them...
I jest, but only a bit...

which I do enjoy from time to time, but bourbon...
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Fri 7 Aug 2009, 14:35,