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[challenge entry] Just saw this accessory to go with the iShiney

From the The iPad challenge. See all 368 entries (closed)

(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 13:50, archived)
# Actually
a shit laptop that costs the same as a mid-range laptop. I think it's important to remember that bit.

Hardly surprising; with the Macbook, Apple already established that their business model was to sell mid-range laptops for the price of a top range laptop. This is just the next logical step.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 13:53, archived)
# What will they sell for the price of shit laptops?
A slap from someone at the genius bar, perhaps.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:08, archived)
# iPods
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:20, archived)
# It makes up for it's lack of capabilities with more shiney
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:13, archived)
# And their packaging.
Apple packaging is amazing.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:15, archived)
# Yeah, true that
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:25, archived)
# fuck it, I'm gonna go buy one
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:25, archived)
# I'm the only one in my family not obsessed with Apple products.
I get their hand-me-downs though as I am using a Mac G5 and have an old-style iPod (hard disk version) so I get the stuff eventually. I'm due to get an iPhone in a few months when daughter's contract runs out and she upgrades to the larger version. One of them will no doubt be purchasing an iPad the moment it is available so I guess I'll get one of them sometime as well.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:32, archived)
# proved with a graph

(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:29, archived)
# haha. "Yeah well, you can prove anything with facts"
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:36, archived)
# what I want to know is
does being a well dressed young man make you want to buy Apple products, or does owning a iphone force you to crave cock?
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:52, archived)
# Intriguing.
Perhaps it's more to do with latent urges; buying an iPod makes you realise that deep down you've enjoyed musical theater all along.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:59, archived)
I fucking hate apple, bunch of cuntflaps
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:16, archived)
# This is a well structured argument, and has convinced me.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:26, archived)
# I don't understand what all the fuss is about.
Some people understand how good Macs are, other people don't. The latter group aren't forced to go out and buy the overpriced crap, so why do they spend so long moaning about it?
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:30, archived)
# Im confused about which group is which now.
Many of us have spouses and children who are fooled my Apple's slick marketing into thinking that Apple's products are in any way okay, so we are forced to by them due to pester power. Mrs Trumpet is demanding I buy her an iPhone and so far I've put my foot down, but I don't know how much longer I can resist her incessant nagging.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:48, archived)
# My question is: Why do PC users spend so much time moaning about Macs and their apparently ridiculous prices?
I think Ferraris are overpriced, but I've never driven one so I can't say that, really. I don't go around complaining about this though.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:51, archived)
# If your wife was nagging you day in, day out to buy her a Ferrari
you'd have the right to complain too.

Particularly when you knew there were other supercars for the same price that were waaaaaaay better.

Ferraris are clearly overpriced, given that they basically do the same thing that a Vauxhall Corsa does.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 14:54, archived)
# My rage is fueled by nostalgia for system 6.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 15:05, archived)
Macs are absolutly fantastic for some things, and PCs are better for others.

When I said I hated apple, what I should have said is that I hate things like the iPod, iPhone, iPad etc... I just think they are overpriced and crap for what they are, I will reserve judgment on the iPad until I actually use one.

The computers are fine, my mac mini gets used quite a lot, I use a PC more because I was not shelling out for a Macbook when I could buy a reasonable laptop for a lot less.

They still smell funny though
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 15:05, archived)
# I honestly think that iPods are the best MP3 players you can buy ...
But the price difference between them and the next alternative may well be more than it needs to be.

And as someone who shelled out £400 for a PayG iPhone a year ago, I'm not going to complain about that. It is so much easier to use than any other smartphone (touch-screen or otherwise) I've seen though.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 15:13, archived)
# The iPhone is not technically a smartphone
as you cannot expand it's functionality without using proprietary technology owned by Apple. Whereas phones that support programming languages like Java and C++ can have their functionality expanded by anyone who cares to learn the language.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 15:42, archived)
# How can something 'technically' be a made-up category?
Smartphone doesn't mean anything.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 15:44, archived)
# Yeah, it's only words that a person made up to mean something.
It's not like words mean nuffink or anyfink. Much better to stick with the naturally occurring words, rather than using words made up by people. Bloody people.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 15:49, archived)
They are good, argubly the best you can buy, but the price is just too high for what it is.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 15:43, archived)