Except for the fact that dirty bombs don't explode like that. They disperse radioactive material via conventional explosion.
Not even "proper" nukes would explode like that - at that stage in the detonation that stadium and everything around it would have been sucked up and pretty much vaporised.
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Sat 10 Apr 2010, 12:42,
Not even "proper" nukes would explode like that - at that stage in the detonation that stadium and everything around it would have been sucked up and pretty much vaporised.

in a "vapourise everything in the way" kind of way :)
I just tried reading that excerpt. It's not very good. It's far too concerned about the medical effects - one of the main purposes of a dirty bomb is that it spreads panic and terror since nobody can see the invisible radioactive death in the air.
Besides, Strontium-90 is cool. It could create a mutant race of Johnny Alphas.
And could a helicopter-mounted sensor really pick up gamma rays? I'd have thought little things like inverse square laws, shielding and other sources would kinda render it useless.
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Sat 10 Apr 2010, 12:51,
I just tried reading that excerpt. It's not very good. It's far too concerned about the medical effects - one of the main purposes of a dirty bomb is that it spreads panic and terror since nobody can see the invisible radioactive death in the air.
Besides, Strontium-90 is cool. It could create a mutant race of Johnny Alphas.
And could a helicopter-mounted sensor really pick up gamma rays? I'd have thought little things like inverse square laws, shielding and other sources would kinda render it useless.

how very dare you! ;)
This is a precise reconstruction of how a Gay would Explode when allowed to freely mince in a public arena!
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Sat 10 Apr 2010, 12:48,
This is a precise reconstruction of how a Gay would Explode when allowed to freely mince in a public arena!

that actually seems to be doing it some good.
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Sat 10 Apr 2010, 12:50,