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» Jun 2007 «

Join Friends of Laphroaig and go to Islay

I am posting this to just see if enough folk would be interested. Basicly in every tube of Laphroaig is a card tellingyou that if you join the Friends of Laphroaig club you can claim a plot of land for which you can claim a dram of Laphroaig each year as your rent. They also supply the right attire, on loan, for you to I dentify your plot. A pair of size 12 wellies, headgear against low flying geese, a hip flask of laphroaig whisky, a life belt and an anchor to stop you blowing away out to sea on the the breezier days. Basicly go to www.laphroaig.com/join and have your bottle ready (you will need the barcode). If enough folk are up for it, it could be a laugh. If not I am just going to have to work harder at convincing more of my friends that single malts are ace. The date I have attached means nothing this is just to see if I am the only one that wants to do this or not.

(, Sat 20 May 2006, 13:18, Reply)
Very much a definitely maybe at the moment

given the vagueness of the actual plan. But maybe a long weekend, or something? Drive up on the Thursday, tour Friday, mess about Saturday, back on Sunday?

Would we be camping? Camping is ace.

(, Sat 20 May 2006, 13:58, Reply)
I did think about camping but that might put a few off

but then i guess not everyone has to camp if that is the way it goes.

(, Sat 20 May 2006, 14:01, Reply)
those people are pussies.

*points at everyone*

(, Sat 20 May 2006, 14:06, Reply)

Sounds interesting. I shall enlist Scottish b3tans on this.

(, Thu 25 May 2006, 21:38, Reply)

I haven't actually bought any laphroaig yet. Must remedy that.

(, Fri 26 May 2006, 11:28, Reply)
could be interesting, but I have

no whisky in this god forsaken land

(, Fri 9 Jun 2006, 7:35, Reply)
I can probably supply three

or possibly four barcodes for people who don't own Laphraoig (shame on you!) as I work in a pub that sells lots. Let me know.

(, Fri 9 Jun 2006, 13:26, Reply)
Surely the bottles from bottle to bottle are the same?

(, Mon 12 Jun 2006, 12:06, Reply)

I'm not barcode literate

(, Fri 16 Jun 2006, 16:37, Reply)

they are. you can always get a barcode from drinksdirect.co.uk, they list them in the product details

(, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 10:28, Reply)
Laphroaig tastes like biting a chunk out of a peat bog.

Islay malts are not my favourite :P

Sounds like a nice trip though

(, Tue 25 Jul 2006, 2:41, Reply)
You are wrong

and I have the proof! Islay malts rock. I'm a member of the Friends. Apparently you can fly to Islay too...

(signs up)(and has friend who would probably come)

(, Mon 19 Feb 2007, 16:58, Reply)

Whisky! :D

(, Mon 27 Nov 2006, 23:28, Reply)

glastonbury weekend, sorry :(

(, Fri 1 Jun 2007, 23:18, Reply)

» Jun 2007 «