( , Thu 1 May 2014, 13:32, Reply)

I have it on good authority that Ian Katz is going to replace him with Benjamin Zephaniah and Diane Abbott on a sofa and they are going to have phone ins and celebrities are going to bring their pets in to be examined a transgender vet who communicates the diagnosis through mime and that Derek Accora is going to have a hard hitting interview come seance slash discussion with Jimmy Savile, Peaches Geldof and Maggie Thatcher plus there will be a regular round up of all the goings on in all your favourite soaps as well giving you the low down on whats hot and what's not in the download chart and they are poaching all those children that C4 news has inexplicably given jobs and they will having a prize giveaway of a long weekend in Damascus as well as improved interactive audience engagement and participation across all platforms for example a sample of the live tweets made during the broadcast it's going be great.
( , Thu 1 May 2014, 13:44, Reply)

as part of their trolling campaign against UKip who they obviously don't like, that twat who made a fuss about being hit over the head with a piece of paper by that slightly mental UKip guy, interviewed some 80+ year old UKip benefactor last night, who was clearly a bit demented, discussing such things as his views on women wearing trousers, and the usual headline grabbing mentalist sound bytes out to prove UKip are a bunch of loonies, etc. My mouth was contorted with pain I was cringing so much at how far Channel Four news has dumbed down.
It even took former Tory MP Hamilton to put it to the presenter "I thought this was a serious news program," when he was repeatedly asked something moronic.
Not once did any of the fucking morons calling themselves journalists put it to anyone representing UKip what effect would pulling out of Europe have on British jobs, or something actually important.
( , Thu 1 May 2014, 14:00, Reply)

But Neil Hamilton was looking rather ill.
( , Thu 1 May 2014, 14:15, Reply)

Does the labour party check to see if they have Maoists or Stalinists donating to them? Until quite recently the labour party was infested with left wing lunatics who would make UKip supporters look quite sane, denying Pol Pot was a cunt, Stalin's evil as capitalist myths, etc.
( , Thu 1 May 2014, 14:36, Reply)

The rights got parties for all levels of blue whilst all the left has is Wallace.
( , Thu 1 May 2014, 15:04, Reply)

Much like Gordon Brown not so long ago
( , Thu 1 May 2014, 15:15, Reply)

Not saying i'ld like them in charge but it's healthy to have political parties that represents all leanings.
( , Thu 1 May 2014, 15:20, Reply)

I made a point of counting my fingers after I'd shook his hand
( , Thu 1 May 2014, 15:23, Reply)

( , Thu 1 May 2014, 15:26, Reply)

he needs to present a happy program about butterflies, puppies, or Jessica Ennis-Hill
( , Thu 1 May 2014, 13:45, Reply)