Kokoda trail, Guadalcanal, New England, The Salomon's etc.
Units with over 120% casualties due to soldiers having two kinds of typhus, Malaria and good knows what horrible skin rotting jungle disease at the same time...
Then you add hidden japs snipers during the day, infiltrators during the night on top of the actual fighting... With NO possibility of evacuation and little to no medical attention.
It's a bloody miracle anybody got out alive.
If hell needs a depiction, this is it.
( , Thu 1 May 2014, 18:18, Reply)

He would never speak about his experiences, too harrowing I guess.
( , Thu 1 May 2014, 18:36, Reply)

Was in Burma and he never said a peep about it. Also turned religious.
: (
I say that, I do know that his friend was shot as they were walking along some path somewhere and the war ended later than for other people.
( , Thu 1 May 2014, 18:38, Reply)

Astonishing man, total pacifist.
( , Thu 1 May 2014, 18:47, Reply)

was about how they would have scorpions against centipede fights, bet on them and all that. Entertainment.
( , Thu 1 May 2014, 18:51, Reply)

Even Bastogne seems a bit jolly in comparison.
There's places on earth that seem to be "reservoirs" of pestilence... A bit like the message "don't go to Europa" in 2001. Why don't we get it?
( , Thu 1 May 2014, 19:27, Reply)

after being released and given some medical atention to get him home, the first thing his family did nearly killed him, they made him a huge dinner despite the doctors telling them not to.
he was captured when singapore fell and died when he was in his sixty's he never regained any sort of good health and suffer terrible terrible nightmares for years , despised and hated the japanese but not for what they had done to him but for what they had done to his friends and pals.
apols for glum time memmorys
( , Thu 1 May 2014, 19:39, Reply)

he was with the BEF in France and got evacuated somewhere north of Dunkirk then got sent out to the Far East. The only time he spoke to me about it as a kid I stupidly asked if he'#d killed anyone (I was 8) and he never spoke to me about it again.
heres a photo of him and some chums larking around on a downed hurricane somewhere in Burma:

( , Fri 2 May 2014, 12:23, Reply)