that's fantastic
Vai is great, but sitting with a three necked guitar is a bit pompous.
(masakatsubest of all the burger meats, Mon 24 Sep 2007, 12:30,
Everything about Steve Vai's playing *is* pompous.
It's the whole point. Need someone to widdle like crazy for a film? Call Teh Vai.
(cupboardy, Mon 24 Sep 2007, 12:34,
Karate Kid FTW
(masakatsubest of all the burger meats, Mon 24 Sep 2007, 13:09,
it's not a concert...
... it's a soundcheck, so he can do whatever the heck he likes.
Don't get the comment in the newsletter, "he produces output enjoyed more for its technique than melody". OK... heard anything he's done in the last ten years, then?
(bntwhat, me worry?, Fri 28 Sep 2007, 21:23,
get you.
(Black MoonNot cracked, I'm all up to be., Sat 29 Sep 2007, 0:27,
It's right
He's hardly wrote any classics has he? Genius in terms of playing and I respect that but I couldn't sit down and listen to one of his songs.
(GlompFuck, Sun 30 Sep 2007, 17:16,
guitars that are like triple guitars, you know?
(t0riahas forgotten how this all works, Mon 24 Sep 2007, 12:31,
If they wanted to know where they should go from here,
they should call the R&D department at Gillette.
(cupboardy, Mon 24 Sep 2007, 12:35,
That is very well done, though I wish they'd asked my permission to use my tapes!
I have drawers full of cassette tapes with hours of crap playing like that if anyones interested........
(EggboundDistinctly Minty Munty, Fri 28 Sep 2007, 21:16,
the one with Ozzys guitarist Jake E Lee is my favourite
With Ozzy clapping in the background - i was in tears (of joy) when i saw it
(bumblebee..I am not a number! I am a free snail!, Sun 30 Sep 2007, 21:35,
what a pompous twat
(sirhiss, Sun 30 Sep 2007, 3:50,
Oh dear god!
That's so amazingly well done, I mean I play and I couldn't even see it was dubbed. His face makes it.
Oh and me mum says keep up the good work. Bless her.
(Badgers wear Corpsepaintit's true, I've seen them..., Mon 1 Oct 2007, 22:36,
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