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This is a link post Yet another video on Brexit
I've found this guys videos quite informative in the past, whether he is correct in this video or not, I wouldn't have a clue tbh. Maybe someone can enlighten me? Although it does seem like the blind leading the blind at the moment.
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 12:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post Is there anyone on /links
who has yet to make up their mind?
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 12:41, , Reply)
This is a normal post well me
I don't know, I'm assuming vote stay. But I found out the other day I had to register online to vote anyway? In which case I won't be voting. Sneaky cunts.

Edit: I mean I'm on the normal electoral roll, is that enough?
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 12:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Yeh, you should be OK. Have you got your polling card through the door?
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 12:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post Not yet
that I know of anyway!
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 12:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post Last one I had was about the
police or something.
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 12:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post Mine went to my old address despite having informed the council months ago
got it redirected by the post office though.
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 13:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post I don't always get them, if you got the police one though you are fine to vote.
You don't need the card.
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 13:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post oh cool :)
thanks for letting me know
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 13:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post I think what's swung it for me
Apart from all the scare tactics about leaving is George Osborne basically threatening to punish us with an emergency budget with tax rises and cuts if we dare vote out. The great unwashed must be punished for having an opinion which doesn't suit mine. Wankers.
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 12:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post mnnnnnng
great decision making there
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 13:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post I will not be bullied by Toff Twats!!!
Hang on we should doff our caps and say "gawd bless yer sir you are a real gent for telling me how I should vote."
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 13:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post
So you vote for even more right wing tory toffs?
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 22:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post Ah so you agree with Boris,
A Toff Twat...
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 23:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm going to decide after Eurotrash tomorrow.
Probably out though.
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 13:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post you're coming out after Eurotrash?
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 14:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post May. It depends very much on the length of kilt worn

(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 15:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post "replace one perfectly good set of rules with another..."
"unless you have some massive beef with these rules, which is practically no-one..."

An impartial video, it seems.
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 13:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post I like these guys
There's a link to another profs video at the end. They are both quite interesting chaps and being good scientists, stick to what they know.

(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 13:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yeah, always good stuff from those guys
I can't imagine they'll sway many heads with this one, though :)
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 16:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post Voting Leave won't make any difference
If you don't want to eat your medicine, it will come back as a suppository.

The EU constitution has been ratified as the Lisbon treaty only 2 years after being rejected by the French and Dutch voters.

So you can expect a treaty of [insert city] to be signed within 2 years of a potential Brexit. And nothing will happen in the meantime.

You can vote either way in good conscience.
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 15:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post This is likely
It's made to sound like that the following day we vote to leave the skies will go grey and ash will continue to fall for all eternity.

The next day we will still be in the EU as voting out will just signal the start of a painful unravelling process which will probably drag on for years until we decide to sign a new treaty and stay in anyway.
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 16:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post Having said that
Do not expect the EU to change its ways because of the Brexit thing, whichever way it goes. And do not expect the UK to reform itself either.

Whether we stay or leave, we'll be left with the same crowd of public school bum chums.
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 17:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post Following on what you said if we do leave
The EU will have to have a big rethink which means we could eventually end up staying in a 'reformed' EU.

Well I'm banking on in/out the Public School Bum Chums will turn on each other. The only reason the entire referendum has been offered to the great unwashed is because of Tory in-fighting and to stop too many splitting to join UKIP at the last election. It did the job and UKIP were nullified but we are now here.
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 21:20, , Reply)