they wouldn't, and they won't. They're coke snorting, idea stealing, stupid haircut having, air kissing wanky 'creative' cunts.
Kung_Fu_Russ ran out of amusing signatures on, Thu 12 Feb 2009, 11:09,
*hands bron paper bag*
I mean brown, damn the uneditable subject line, damn thee to hell!!!
@RBFesquire Good luck b3ta, was nice knowing you. So long., Thu 12 Feb 2009, 11:10,
Joel got them by the knackers though
And got them to cough up.
Monty Propps, Thu 12 Feb 2009, 11:11,
i know...
i could kiss him.
Kung_Fu_Russ ran out of amusing signatures on, Thu 12 Feb 2009, 11:17,
Come now Russ
Don't sit on the fence about your feeling for advertisers, tell us how you really feel...
they're not all bad surely?
LemonEntryMyDearWatson This time, Moriarty, the hand is on the other foot, Thu 12 Feb 2009, 11:22,
just the creatives....
and let's not forget tv producers who simply nick youtube ideas, or even just show the original...lazy.
Kung_Fu_Russ ran out of amusing signatures on, Thu 12 Feb 2009, 11:27,
swedemason another self-promoting cunt, Thu 12 Feb 2009, 13:14,