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This is a link post pringles are cakes?
"Procter & Gamble will be forced to pay tens of millions of pounds in VAT after losing a legal battle with the taxman over its Pringles snack"

prepare for a price rise..
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 19:09, Reply)
This is a normal post A cake goes hard when it is stale.
A biscuit goes soft. So technically, it is a crisp.

I dont get it. Although, they are only 78p a pack at the moment in asda.

edit: that is why jaffa cakes are cakes you see. So it cant be like a cake AND a biscuit because there are clear definitions to define so.
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 19:13, Reply)
This is a normal post Jaffa Cakes were deemed
by the Inland Revenue, now HMRC, of being chocolate biscuits, biscuits are exempt, but chocolate biscuits aren't.

McVities decided to bake a giant Jaffa Cake to show it's a cake - and it is a bloody cake!
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 19:18, Reply)
This is a normal post I agree.
Apparently they made a 12 incher.

Its a cake because it goes hard when stale.

*mmmmm 12 incher jaffa caykes*
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 20:08, Reply)
This is a normal post Who the hell makes this shit up?
Did they sit around a table one day, high on meths, saying "Shall we tax biscuits?"
"No, I rather like biscuits with my tea"
"But some of them have chocolate on..."
"Shit, you're right. OK, tax those little bastards then"
Bloody weirdos...
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 22:00, Reply)
This is a normal post Taxes have been hiked up
little by little recently.

Company car allowances have been dropped, HMRC can no longer be sued for taking too much money in taxes and now Pringles are declared Potato... which if anyone's tasted a potato then tasted Pringles...

I'm not just being Goatish, you'll notice quite a sizable increase in 'hidden' taxes (they're not hidden if you look for them!) as well as the more standard 50 pence in the pound style ones (as was indicated in the latest budget).
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 19:16, Reply)
This is a normal post *this
altho the 50% thing wont affect the very rich as gordon brown has failed to close tax loopholes (which he promised to do) which they exploit to avoid paying tax. like when that guy had his accounts published in the times (or sunday times?) and he paid 5 grand tax and has millions of squids
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 19:24, Reply)
This is a normal post The taxes, such as the ones aimed at cars
are just going to fuck White Van Men, okay, now we all hate them, but they're still tradesmen and not millionaires.

That was, and is, my main problem with the congestion zone around London markets.

I may look for more examples, but sometimes it seems like TEH NOO LIARBORE!!!1 are trying to choke small businesses in this country.
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 19:30, Reply)
This is a normal post they haven't got a fucking clue mate
i am no tory, but it was norman lamonts policy directions at no 11 after the ERM debacle that set us on the course we went on under bliar, ie growth. labour are worse then the tories, cos back in 97 they said "No More Sleaze". hypocritical lying cunts. at least u know what the tories are like. we expected better. and they have been claiming this stuff for years now, it must have cost 100's of millions of quid
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 19:34, Reply)
This is a normal post Brown said today
that they were the first government to grant post 1997 rights for Gurkhas. Hmmm First out of 1, not bad.
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 20:14, Reply)
This is a normal post hahahaha
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 20:19, Reply)
This is a normal post This was after he opened with the reason he was pushing ahead with privatising Royal Mail
"Last year the Royal Mail lost 5 million letters"

cue a stunned pause from the house followed by laughter.

"Er Th Th That is That is to say That they lost 5 million in the number of letters they had to handle..."
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 20:24, Reply)
This is a normal post more to the point
How come spuds potato crisps are VATable when other foods aren't?
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 20:10, Reply)
This is a normal post Luxury items
cause that are all flavoured I should guess. I bet if you had a plain crisp with no salt it would have no VAT. Or I might be talking bollacks.
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 20:19, Reply)
This is a normal post So that's why they had salt & shake crisps! they were really VAT & SHAKE crisps.
It's all you have to do...
Do the shake and VAT,
Do the shake and VAT,
Do the shake and VAT and put the flavour back.

If potatos taste plain, you pay less
Do the shake and VAT it's guaranteed to impress.

Do the shake and VAT,
Do the shake and VAT,
Do the shake and VAT and put the flavour back.
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 20:29, Reply)
This is a normal post "You cannot vote your own messages as 'Post of the Week'."
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 20:31, Reply)
This is a normal post You can vote for post of the week?
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 20:33, Reply)
This is a normal post I actually impressed myself with that one.
I was laughing before I even started typing it. It all suddenly makde complete sense to me.
I made up the post of the week thing. It's a shame only main posts can be highlighted as favourites. B3ta is so much more fractured now, even from board to board, that a lot of really good things are missed.

There's too much to keep up with. I used to be able to and Fat Boab would produce a best of the week flash animation of pics and other stuff too.
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 20:41, Reply)
This is a normal post I miss boabs
flash roundups.
You got any sat on your hard drive? Has fb, for that matter?
(, Thu 21 May 2009, 2:44, Reply)
This is a normal post I wish I had the wit and intelliegence to dignify this with a decent reply.
When all I can do is look at it in awe.
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 20:31, Reply)
This is a normal post wow
u r oldz!

i remember that advert..
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 20:34, Reply)
This is a normal post I heart the 80's
I think it was 80's. It can't have been 70's right? I'm not THAT old ;)
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 20:42, Reply)
This is a normal post 80's i think
(, Wed 20 May 2009, 20:47, Reply)