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This is a link post All about that cunt down there \/
Stewart fucking Lee can fuck off, I hope I never see his ugly piggy little cunty slant-eyed face again, or hear his wretched, self-congratulating drawl ever again for that matter. The stout loathsome little twat.
(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 16:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post so you post of link
of more stewart lee videos?
you are a conflicted person pissy.
(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 16:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post Anybody who doesn't know who Stewart Lee is, doesn't know how lucky they are.

(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 16:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post are you actually stewart lee?

(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 16:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post Shut up and listen to this....
(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 16:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post WHOOOOOOSH!
That is perfect for this night in, ta.
(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 16:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post Damn straight, it is a fucking wicked mix.

(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 18:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post Some of the swears on there are great ...
'cunthoop' :) SL is quite highly rated on there.

Edit: said of Russell Grant: "He's a festering tumor of cunt rabies"
www.dont-start-me-off.com/CelebInfo.php?celeb_id=8509 Hahaha.

Hahahaha - that website is great :)
(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 16:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post cats are the stewart lee of the animal world

(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 16:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post To be honest
I think the criticism would work better if it wasn't so infantile.

The page you've linked appears to have been written by Sun and Daily Mail reading morons, unless I'm mistaken. If it was written in shit on a toilet door it would make more sense.
(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 17:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post Ha ha, that made me snigger several times. Thanks.

(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 17:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post I found that page a bit cringeworthy
It's nothing more than a tirade of semiliterate descriptive insults by a group of unhappy and bitter idiots. As if they genuinely believe calling somebody a 'cunt' or a 'twat' wins some kind of argument. It's just... a bit sad and desperate when you read it in a well lit room.

If you don't like him or his act, fair enough. But to go OH STEWART LEE'S A CUNTY RATFACE TWAT. I HATE HIM. HE'S NOTHING MORE THAN A CUNTY PAEDO or whatever you said... just comes across a bit desperate.

'Here's our angry, anonymous internet lair of hate.'

Alright then.

Better to offer a genuine criticism of why you don't like him surely? He's only a comedian.
(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 17:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post I have given genuine criticism.

(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 17:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post Fair enough
No hard feelings anyway. I've found a lot of your comments funny on here and I'm sure you're alright behind that anonymity, I'm just surprised you'd post a page like that when you can just imagine the sort of idiot keyboard warrior who's likely written on it!

It's nearly as bad as 4chan.
(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 17:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post I normally post vids of dogs shitting or people puking, stuff like that.
I would have thought that the aforementioned website is a slight step up from faeces n vom.

Not sure what you mean about hiding behind anonymity, what are you - Theresa May?
(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 17:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yes.

(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 20:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post Shit on a toilet door
That's the first editor's draft of the Daily Mail
(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 17:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post I liked:
Make the most of your shit hair while you've got some left, you Poundland Morrissey.
(, Sun 4 Nov 2012, 0:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post PaC.

(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 17:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post The problem I have with him
Is that he genuinely seems to dislike, sneer and pour scorn on the people he talks about in his act. Almost as if he wishes they would go away.
But if he got his wish, he wouldn't have an act. So I therefore know he loves them really. Bit of a paradox.
(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 17:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post Hmmm.
The "... but he genuinely seems..." bit of this is puzzling. Suppose you went to the theatre to see another performance, and at the end complained that Iago genuinely seemed to hate Othello. That would be strange: genuinely seeming to hate Othello would be a mark of success in that context.

And since a comedian on a stage is playing a role, that he or she should genuinely seem like they think φ - where "φ" stands for any attitude whatsoever - could also be a mark of success, couldn't it?

I can see how Lee's comedy isn't to everyone's taste. It's not jokey; it's not the sort of thing you could recount down at the pub with your mates. It's cerebral and it knows its way around a library. I happen to think that those qualities are virtues - not the only possible comic virtues, but virtues nonetheless - but I can see why people would think them vicious. It's often comedy about comedy; I guess it's something like the difference between watchmaking and striking the hour that defines what he's up to. That's what I like about him, anyway.

Also, I like paradoxes; so if you're right, then that's all groovy with me.
(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 18:32, , Reply)
This is a normal post Eh?

(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 19:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post Totally agree with this.
It's clearly a political thing with those inbred cross-eyed types at DGMS, but there are a lot of Lee haters on lots of comedy sites. He must be doing something right to upset all those Jethro fans.
(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 21:36, , Reply)
This is a normal post I take your point.
Perhaps his performance is so good that he doesn't appear to be playing a role. But even so, that role is a parasitical one which somehow doesn't sit well with me.
I know that without a pompous and corrupt Civil Service we never would have had Yes, Minister, and therefore a lot of good comedy relies on the things they mimic being bad. It is very often the essence of good comedy. But Mr Lee somehow just seems to cross the line from parody and mimicing to nasty and snobbish.
(, Sat 3 Nov 2012, 22:16, , Reply)