Learn to use your Bat'leth...
...like a pro! Qapla'
kingjay umpfh, Sat 21 Oct 2017, 13:11,
evil_andy Stick stick stick stick sticky sticky stick stick, Sat 21 Oct 2017, 13:18,
I was waiting for him to prod himself with a pointy bit... much disappoint.
At the other end of the spectrum though, there's this guy...
(I'm positive he did a vid about how the bat'leth is (unsurprisingly) simply a silly TV prop and would be comically useless in an actual fight, but can't seem to find it right now - this sort of thing is surprisingly watchable in the meantime)
Prestidigitus will set this 'ere black puddin on you, Sat 21 Oct 2017, 15:20,
lil kim jony lil has let himself go in that preview pic
fluffybunnykiller Is feasting on the clitoris of life, Sat 21 Oct 2017, 16:49,
His Basic Strikes video is frightening, with that beer belly and anterior pelvic tilt coming at you.
cowcat Bituminous squeegee, Sat 21 Oct 2017, 20:14,
I made the bat'leth prop on the wall in the comedy series Spaced
DinivanX Has stinging piss after drinking Pact Coffee, Sun 22 Oct 2017, 17:04,