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This is a link post On the Art Trail - Please pledge to or share my Kick-starter I made this!
I need shit loads of help here as I've set my target a bit higher than most would. But if you're gonna dream, dream big.
Any pledges, likes and shares would be amazing, if you are pledging, pay attention to the rewards and you can own a piece of my artwork.
Any questions drop us a Gaz
(, Thu 7 Jul 2016, 14:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post *sigh*

(, Thu 7 Jul 2016, 15:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post Because 11 grand pays a lot of vandalism fines.
Is there a version of Kickstarter where you can get people to stand-in to do your Community Service orders too?
(, Thu 7 Jul 2016, 15:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post A mate of mine got fined 3k the other day
Wouldn't want many of them a month....
(, Thu 7 Jul 2016, 15:38, , Reply)
This is a normal post Just set up another Kickstarter.

(, Thu 7 Jul 2016, 15:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post Luckily, I don't have any fines
(, Thu 7 Jul 2016, 16:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post Just £500 for a t-shirt and mug?

In all seriousness, man, that's one cheeky request for a Kickstarter. You're working from stencils, and you've got a very limited portfolio and you want to be bankrolled to work bigger? And possibly to put a deposit on a property? So it's a Kickstarter to buy a house?
(, Thu 7 Jul 2016, 21:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post Where's your business plan?
Where's your market research to demonstrate there is a demand, and market, for the service you offer? Have you explored what competition you might be up against? Can I see a projected cash flow for the first two years at least? What have you built in as contingency? What are your profit margins? What are your outgoings? What are the cost of materials? How will you promote your business (don't say Social Media) and what will that cost? SWOT analysis please. Who are your contacts and how can they help you get business? Are there any grants available, any council schemes to get you up and running as self-employed? Can you afford a start-up loan? Is your art any good - and if so, how do you know that? Prove it to me. Are you going to do your own tax returns, if not, what will an accountant cost you? What can your accountant save you? Have you even got a Unique Taxpayer Reference? Have you informed the tax man you are self-employed?

Strikes me as you are not very well prepared to go into self-employment. I wouldn't invest a penny in your so-called Kickstarter; I'll guarantee there would be no benefit I'd ever see. If it doesn't make a profit it's a hobby.
(, Thu 7 Jul 2016, 21:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post Absolutely spot on
Based on looking at the Kickstarter and your webpage, your current work comes over as Jez from Peep Show having a dabble, in terms of choice of subjects, and there's nothing unique or striking about it at the moment.

Here's some actual advice, which you can either take or disregard, but it's more honest than your mates will be.

Right now (unless you've got stronger work elsewhere you haven't shown on your Kickstarter) you look like you have an interest, but haven't got refined skill. Even if by magic you suddenly had the cash you're after, it wouldn't improve you, and the success wouldn't follow. You'll roll your eyes, but the best way of becoming more successful is by working hard at making your work better and interesting. If you don't have the space to work big, work small. I would highly recommend working smaller anyway for now, because your work has two major problems right now;
It isn't detailed enough, or if intended to be simple, the stencils themselves are not well made enough where they pick out the bits that are most interesting.
Draw every day, and when you want to work on a big piece, find 50 quid for a big canvas, and paint it outside. You absolutely do not need £11000 to make art.
(, Thu 7 Jul 2016, 22:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post Just to clarify
it's not my scam well considered plan.
(, Thu 7 Jul 2016, 22:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post I know
Sorry - I changed who I was addressing midway through. To clarify; I agree with you that the other guy's Kickstarter is a non starter.
The OP got my goat a bit cos I posted above with some of my illustration and felt a bit icky that the video has my Twitter account linked at the end so seeing someone wanting 11k on the basis of a spray painted Howard Marks is a bit bad for my sunny disposition
(, Thu 7 Jul 2016, 22:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post I've been a professional business advisor for start-ups. I even have a qualifications...
It is rare to see someone who has actually done the proper, realistic, ground work before committing the funds and effort needed to self-employment.

They can do what they want, and will often rationalise any negative feedback, but I've got a fair eye for what will succeed. On this occasion, I'd be delighted if I was proved wrong.
(, Thu 7 Jul 2016, 22:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post And missed one of the golden rules of KS which is to pitch for less than you need...
I've had half a dozen mates run KS, all fully funded one reaching over a million dollars - and there's tons of free advice out there for free.

Try Indy go-go, because then you get any monies you raise even if you don't fully fund, or Go Fund Me or Patreon.

Plus you can't sell dreams...
(, Thu 7 Jul 2016, 22:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post "free advice out there for free" - money can't buy that kind of advice!
Literally priceless.

Sorry, a bit of a laugh at your quickly-typed expense.
(, Thu 7 Jul 2016, 22:33, , Reply)