Tb2571989 says Bad Management isn't just a great name for a heavy metal band - what kind of rubbish work practices have you had to put up with?
( , Thu 10 Jun 2010, 10:53)
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My dad was rushed into hospital out of the blue, and we were told he needed a quadruple bypass. I'd never even heard of one of these before, I thought the worst was a triple bypass. My boss knew all about this and was still her usual vile self refusing to allow me time off to be with my family, taking every opportunity to bully me.
When the day of the operation came around, I was getting quietly hysterical. Trying to do work but having to re-read things over and over again. He was going into theatre at 4. My boss worked 9.30 till 2.30. At about 3 I couldn't do it anymore, my boss had gone home, her boss was off work too. So I asked their boss if there was anyway I could go home because I was completely unable to do my work. He was horrified that I was even there when I had that going on, and he sent me home telling me to take as long as I needed, paid. He just told me to phone in the next day to let my boss know what was going on.
So, I phone in the next morning, shattered and still hugely worried because they've put my Dad into a coma because he had some complications. Does my boss ask how my Dad is? Does she ask how I'm doing? Of course not, the first thing she asks was what was the urgency? why did I need to leave so suddenly? She then informs me that regardless what the big boss says, she will only allow me two days off paid, anything after that will have to be unpaid or holiday.
This isn't the end of it though. When I get back to work the next Monday I get taken into a disciplinary meeting for the time off I've had earlier in the year (Car crash and food poisoning). I don't get told I can take someone in with me, I'm not even told it's a disciplinary meeting. My boss then threatens me that what happened to Dennis will happen to me. Dennis btw was a lovely guy, but never turned up on time, took double length breaks, plus smoking breaks, plus messed up the system quite a lot along with others things they never told us about, they got rid of him fairly swiftly. I'd just had a perfect appraisal, very grudgingly given of course.
I complained to HR, and the first girl I spoke to was lovely and really helpful. However when her boss saw the name involved, she took over. I was given a meeting with this lady, my boss, and my boss' boss, the one who had been off work when I needed to go. I was told in no uncertain terms that I was not believed, they had know my boss for 8 years and she wouldn't do anything like this. (No-one in my post had ever lasted more than a year before transferring to a different department or leaving, 3 months was a good record and I'd done nearly 8) They left me in tears and feeling utterly helpless. I left two weeks later to look after my Dad. I detailed everything that happened in my leaving interview, but I very much doubt they did anything about it.
Sorry for the rant. BP at CA, I hope that you suffer from great pain. There is no-one else in the world that I would ever wish that upon, even death (which I wouldn't wish on anyone) is too good for you.
( , Wed 16 Jun 2010, 10:24, 10 replies)

If HR would not proceed with this correctly then they can be done, along with the neglecting staff.
Hope your dad's getting better btw.
( , Wed 16 Jun 2010, 10:31, closed)

If only there were some better way of getting back at bastards like this other than giving you a click.
I also hope your dad's ok.
( , Wed 16 Jun 2010, 10:38, closed)

That is not on at all.
( , Wed 16 Jun 2010, 11:21, closed)

Dad's fine now, we keep forgetting he ever had it done, except he's a bit less red now (he used to look like a beetroot) :P He is very proud of his 24 inches of scars (one on each of his legs and the chest one) and tells everyone about his war wounds.
At the time I just had too much on to even consider doing anything about it. I would have loved to get her fired, but it was my word against hers and they believed her.
( , Wed 16 Jun 2010, 11:49, closed)

if you left under 3 months ago you could take them to an industrial tribunal for constructive dismissal, and would have a good chance of winning.
For those of you without Teh Knowledge, constructive dismissal is where your employer acts in such a way that you feel your position at work is untenable. Easy enough to prove, and most employers don't want to face a tribunal.
On the other hand, seems like you're best out of the place and you'd probably prefer not to bring up any unpleasant memories.
( , Wed 16 Jun 2010, 12:25, closed)

It's too late for me to do anything. I have been tempted to send her interesting things in the post but I don't even know if she still works there.
( , Wed 16 Jun 2010, 14:53, closed)

Do it. No point letting shitheads like this get away with it. In your position I'd sue them at a drop of a hat.
( , Wed 16 Jun 2010, 14:18, closed)

my mother in law was in hospital with lung cancer, untreatable, and basically she was there to die as comfortably as possible. She only weighed about 6 stone by the end.. ( diagnosis to death approx 3 months ) I left work each day at 3.30pm to pick up my non driving hubbie and go to the hospital to sit with her till bedtime. After 2.5 weeks of this my vile hateful arsewipe of a boss actually said to me " aint she dead yet? You told us she was dying two weeks ago".
Gets worse, my own father was in and out of hospital a year after,and being his only local relative I always had to be there.. he was 88 and suffered from dementia so I was needed to tell them what they needed to know and keep their grubby care home hands off him. Same arrangement, left work at 3.30 after working my lunch so boss was only losing under an hour of my time each day...and ive worked here for almost 20 yrs too. Tight fisted arsehole hope he rots in hell for all eternity... only gave me 2 paid days off to arrange the funeral, rally the family,have the funeral clear out his flat and sort out all the probate stuff. Lucky for him he didnt ask " is he dead yet".
One day i plan on watching his demise... while applauding and laughing. It's all that keeps me here.. that and the nice wages and the massive rut you have made after 20yrs in the same job. Spurs fan..... the cunt.
( , Wed 16 Jun 2010, 15:37, closed)

I hate the idea on idealogical grounds but in this case sending some money-hungry young lawyer after them may be useful. Also, if you can, the press (spits) may be interested.
Obviously your father and you come first so doing nothing may be the best thing.
( , Wed 16 Jun 2010, 18:39, closed)
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