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This is a question The Best / Worst thing I've ever eaten

Pinckas Ben Nochkan says: Tell us tales of student kitchen disasters and stories of dining decadence. B3ta Mods say: "Minge" does not a funny answer make

(, Thu 26 May 2011, 14:09)
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really healthy in that removing vitamin a from the body kind of a way.
at least my early morning brain tells me it's vitamin a.
apart from that, aye, well healthy.
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 9:30, 5 replies)
Then you supplement it
by eating polar bear liver.
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 10:04, closed)
the voice of experience?
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 10:08, closed)
It doesn't remove vitamin A (or whichever vitamin it is)
It just doesn't provide any.
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 11:15, closed)
This is what i was thinking of...
sorry it's only QI therefore lies but here we go anyway:
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 16:07, closed)
Your early morning brain is a fucking idiot.

(, Mon 30 May 2011, 11:49, closed)

(, Mon 30 May 2011, 16:06, closed)
Don't worry about it.
Your mid-afternoon brain is a fucking idiot too.
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 16:12, closed)
Sam, if you keep this up then you'll probably make me cry ;(
I got naughty-stepped over our little "war" (to quote a mod), but you seem intent on maintaining hostility.
Please, please, please just pack it the fuck in.
It's boring.
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 17:17, closed)
Oh sorry. I wouldn't want to make you cry again.
Just ... you know ... make yourself look like a bit of a dick for a while.

And you were stepped for being the sort of feeble twit who posts personal details in a thread when you're too much of a nancy to hold up your end of the banter.
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 17:25, closed)
Cry again? Pffffffffft.
Banter? Double pfffffffft.
You're a thread-deleting, stalky troll.

Edit: and let's not forget you posting pm's from me on /talk.
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 17:45, closed)
You have to admit that your crybaby gazes were hilarious.
So what's it to be this week? Crybaby
or bit of a dick? The choice is yours.

(, Mon 30 May 2011, 18:02, closed)
clearly your definition of crybaby differs from mine.
i was only ever reasonable to you, you edited and posted those private messages on /talk.
perhaps reasonable isn't good enough for you?
probably not high-brow enough.
remember, i'm only a "fucking plumber".
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 18:11, closed)
Awww. Crybaby it is.
There's an ignore button, petal. You could have pressed it weeks ago rather than sniffing around my arse like the whimp gorilla when the silver back is having a snooze.
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 18:13, closed)
Whimp (sp?)
i reckon most other b3tans will have noticed your tendency to be the arse-sniffer, oh my dear mr. silverback.
you're always the one jumping into the thread with the personal insults. you'd be better off spending the time calming down imho.
i could recommend some pretty good anti-psychotics if you like, they've done wonders for me!
Come on, let's make up and be friendly :)
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 18:33, closed)

"i would be grateful if you would limit your blaireau-trolling to in-thread banter and not collate and/or post information (factual or otherwise) about me, however sourced, on this or any other site.
i think that is a perfectly reasonable request.
many thanks,
b69" Thu 10 Feb 2011

(, Mon 30 May 2011, 19:25, closed)
And your point is?
Don't like tit-for-tat?
Now, that's what I call crybaby Vol.27
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 20:42, closed)
That was you asking the big bully to leave you alone ten weeks ago.
And yet here you still are whimpering and whining. Grow a pair or put me on ignore, you ridiculous fucking pansy.
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 21:02, closed)
always with the insults.
i asked you nicely to desist, you choose not to.
i don't perceive you as a bully, just a bit of a tourette's type.
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 21:20, closed)
This is like travelling back to 2000 when people didn't quite know how the internet worked.
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 22:08, closed)
I was thinking more along the lines of high protein, low fat but hey.
The polar bear liver would of course provide a very stable level of health subsequently.
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 15:21, closed)
Rabbit starvation

Nothing to do with Vitamin A, though. And it's not a problem unless you're only eating rabbit and nothing else.
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 16:30, closed)
well...vitamin a is gonna be in there somewhere, surely?
but totally munching on bunnies alone, that's gonna fuck up a person.
and it would get pretty boring too, i reckon!
(, Mon 30 May 2011, 17:22, closed)
There is no way
I'm ever going to be eating rabbit and nothing else, I'd rather survive on roots and twigs
Ive remembered another really horrid survival food, that i'd managed to blot from memory.
I made pemmican with long slow dried venison, rendered suet and dried cranberries.
It just tasted like burnt greasy grit, i crumbled some into a pot of boiling water with some nettle tops, burdock root, thistle roots, reed mace root and lower stems, jews ear fungus and wild garlic.
Every component edible in its own right but once mixed together became the devils bogies.
Was quite fun though to watch several people eagerly take a mouthful and then spit it out in horror
(, Tue 31 May 2011, 0:17, closed)

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