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Home » Question of the Week » Redundant technology » Post 952724 | Search
This is a question Redundant technology

Music on vinyl records, mobile phones the size of house bricks and pornography printed on paper. What hideously out of date stuff do you still use?

Thanks to boozehound for the suggestion

(, Thu 4 Nov 2010, 12:44)
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Toilet paper
I still haven't figured out how to use the three seashells :(
(, Thu 4 Nov 2010, 13:43, 6 replies)

(, Thu 4 Nov 2010, 13:47, closed)
Ruddy heck
How would that be less messy than using toilet paper? Moreso if you had the runs. I'd like to see someone accurately aim their watery faeces in between two seashells the morning after a lamb vindaloo. Actually I wouldn't like to see that.
(, Thu 4 Nov 2010, 13:54, closed)
^This should win^
Edit - clicky for both this and OP, big smiles on an otherwise tedious Friday aft.
(, Fri 5 Nov 2010, 14:48, closed)
You are Sylvester Stallone
or maybe Sandra Bollock
(, Thu 4 Nov 2010, 14:15, closed)

One up, one down and one polish?
(, Fri 5 Nov 2010, 23:44, closed)
Be well, John Spartan!

(, Sun 7 Nov 2010, 13:47, closed)

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