b3ta.com qotw
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Home » Question of the Week » Bugs and feature requests » Post 205516 | Search
This is a question Bugs and feature requests

Found a problem on B3ta? Want other features that we don't currently offer? Type your ideas here with your finger-mouths. (We don't promise we'll act on any of it, but we will read it and your words could even prompt us into action.)

(, Wed 1 Nov 2006, 11:48)
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'ideas' board?
Inspired by each week's newsletter request in shop-me-this, do-me-that style. Possible littering like 'draw me ye olde crude cock' can be avoided by using an 'i like this' similar to /board
(, Tue 22 Jul 2008, 22:03, 2 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
good er.. idea

(, Wed 23 Jul 2008, 7:53, Reply)
yes. and...
...possibly add to it a sourcepic section. i have tons of pics and sites saved for use later, and i never get around to using them at all. more gifted b3tans might have uses for them, though. i periodically post them as comments here and there, but i've got so many more.
(, Sat 26 Jul 2008, 8:07, Reply)

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