My mum told me to stand up to bullies. So I did, and got wedgied every day for a month. I hated my boss.
Suggested by Mariam67
( , Wed 13 May 2009, 12:27)
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bullies suck. ok, fine. we can all agree. you know what? i had it all. i was the new kid a lot (moved schools 9 times in the end due to parental wekaness. get bullied- moan-move school-starts again) i was the fat kid, the shrt kid, the goofy kid, the kid with big ears, the poor kid, the kid who lived in a mobile home, the kid whose mum (i shit you not here) was on local evening news talking about fairies at the bottom of the garden, at the same time as teaching in the school i ended up in! that was sweet.
i got my nose broken, concussion, fractured skull, kickings galore, ate more than a bushel of dirt, was ostracised, talked about but not to, scapegoated.. i'm not gonna bore you with anecdotes of what happened, or the times i fought back or tried to, or how wonderful my shit is now and how they ended up on smack.. though one thing i WILL pearoast later which deserves a mention.
all i will say is this
it happened at SCHOOL people. fuck me. if you're much older than say, 18-19, and you're STILL using the fact that people weren't nice to you at school as an excuse for being a gutless, timid, specimen then you have problems that lie WAAAAAY deeper in your psyche than mere playground bullying.
i didn't become an internet millionaire, i didn't bed a gaggle of supermodels, i didn't beat chuck norris in a pressup contest or leave schoool gain 100lbs and become arnie. for their part, they mostly, AFAIK, didn't turn into craven dribbling junkies, withered and unloved, pleading for my pennies. and you know what? i don't give a FUCK. because when i walk into a room, i walk in as me, not my hangups, and i'm ten feet tall and a self made man. bullies only matter between the ages of 4 and 16, and then only term time between 9-3pm. suck it up. it could be a LOT worse. wait till you have bosses, at least. stop hiding behind your issues and man(or woman) up.
( , Wed 13 May 2009, 16:04, 19 replies)

i find the memories quite amusing. school was a long time ago. i'm not rich, i haven't done better than anyone else and i'm not in therapy.
( , Wed 13 May 2009, 16:08, closed)

which i carry at all times.
( , Wed 13 May 2009, 16:50, closed)

Objecting to people talking about their schoolday bullies…
…in a question about bullies?
( , Wed 13 May 2009, 16:10, closed)

yes it's sad but get over it
( , Wed 13 May 2009, 16:11, closed)

It's a question about bullies and you're belittling people answering it with what experience they've had?
If you met a disturbed victim of war from eons ago, would you yell "IT HAPPENED IN THE 40S, GET OVER IT!" at him too?
Sometimes things hurt and change you, sometimes people JUST LIKE TO JOIN IN.
Stop whinging. Ignore it if you don't like it.
( , Wed 13 May 2009, 19:16, closed)

and you said you would at school 12 years ago!
Pete's mum did make us leave class to look for fairies in the school field once though.
Poor Pete, we really had no option but to pick on him did we?
10ft tall mate? More like 10ft wide!
( , Thu 14 May 2009, 9:21, closed)

just wondering. I'm still *at* school. I still go through this every day. It fucking hurts. I'm 17. Have been bullied pretty much continuously since I started my school life. I have a year and a half to go of this. Does that somehow make it okay that it still happens to me?
This is a qotw about bullies. You don't like it? Fine - you're allowed to. But honest to god - grow up yourself - you don't have to read it. If you disagree with it that much - don't come back til next thursday. I guarantee no one will care.
( , Thu 14 May 2009, 10:35, closed)

I agree. I'm 21 now, and haven't been bullied for a good 7/8 years now.
But back in my early teens, I was an outsider, target of daily ridicule for the bigger, less intelligent guys.
Your school years are an important time in human development; They span the years in which you grow up (physically and mentally), suffer from puberty-induced hormones, and form your first relationships and lasting friendships.
Bullying isn't something that just 'happened at school years ago, grow the fuck out of it'. Bullying can, and often will, mentally scar you for years to come, because you missed out on a massive, defining part of your 'growing years'.
You're a regular twat for thinking it to be anything less. If you spent five years of your life, at an early (impressionable) age being scared of the people around you, and what they might decide to do to you today, you carry that with you for years to come.
( , Thu 14 May 2009, 12:39, closed)

i got the SHIT kicked out of me in 7 different schools along with a mesy parental divorce, was homeless and kipping on floors at relatives during my gcses and collge, and you don't see me using it as an excuse not to better myself. all without the assistance of self-help books and counselling/drugs i might add.
( , Thu 14 May 2009, 14:00, closed)

but you seem very angry over lots of things.
Maybe it's not obvious to you but I whenever I see your posts there's usually a fair amount of anger in them.
( , Thu 14 May 2009, 15:03, closed)

this is in no small part due to the fact that up until the end of my notice period, i am working a job with HORRENDOUS hours that i HATE, (apart from the wage) this will change. as it is, /talk i'm mostly trolling for morons, which abound, and qotw i'm practising my odd mix of crude invective/insight/black humour dressed in poop jokes.
none of this bears any relevance to being forced to eat mud/getting a good shoeing.
i'm not saying it shouldn't affect you ever, i'm just saying if ti's more than maybe 3-4 years ago and you're STILL using it as an excuse for your social inadequacies, you are kidding yourself.
( , Thu 14 May 2009, 20:36, closed)

Good for you for not having hang-ups.
Not everyone reacts in the same way, and it's both offensive and ignorant to assume all people are like you.
Well done for being able to man the fuck up about it.
Like it or not, usually this sort of stuff DOES affect people later in life.
Don't assume you have a right to tell other people how they should feel. Because you, or I, Just Fucking Don't have that right. We weren't there. We weren't them.
Yep, well done for getting over it, don't try to preach to others that they're in the wrong for still being affected.
*goes away and seethes*
( , Fri 15 May 2009, 10:54, closed)

seethign about something someone wrote on the internet :D if it didn't have a kernel of truth, i doubt VERY much it would cause such strong dissent and outrage amongst the more 'delicate' among us :D
( , Fri 15 May 2009, 20:05, closed)

It's only monday, get back under your bridge until tomorrow.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 15:59, closed)
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