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This is a question Call Centres

Dreadful pits of hellish torture for both customer and the people who work there. Press 1 to leave an amusing story, press 2 for us to send you a lunchbox full of turds.

(, Thu 3 Sep 2009, 12:20)
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Just fucking lovely
Ive just got off the phone with 02

The conversation went like this:

ME: Hi, I paid my bill the other day but for some reason my phone has been blocked since this afternoon

IDIOT: Well is there any reason why that might have happened?

ME: No, thats why Im ringing

IDIOT: Are you sure you paid the bill?

ME: Yes

IDIOT: Did you pay it in full?


IDIOT: Yes I can see that on my screen. Right... well I cant really say why your phone has been blocked. errrm, I would wait 24 hours and ring back if it is still a problem.

ME: This pretty inconvenient, there is no reason for it to be blocked. Is there no way whatsoever for you to find out whats wrong?

IDIOT: No, I dont think so. You would be best off ringing back tomorrow.

What is the point in anything?
(, Fri 4 Sep 2009, 18:07, 4 replies)

Head into one of their stores, they tend to be a little more helpful - if only because you can cause a scene in a shop and not in a call centre.
(, Fri 4 Sep 2009, 19:47, closed)
O2 are utter bastards
I spent over an hour on the phone to them the other day.

I lost my iPhone a week and a bit ago, lost it at a friend's house, called the day after to tell them, check it wasn't being used to call sex lines in Venezuela or anything - which it wasn't.

I declined their offer to put me through to the insurance department as I was confident I'd find it.

I didn't. A week later tried to claim.

They had "no record" of my previous call and so as the phone had been lost more than 48 hours the claim was invalid.

Fortunately it's out of contract, but after many phonecalls I still get to pay a month's line rental as a disconnection fee - yay(!)

... Apologies for rant. Just saw "O" and "2" and saw red! Good luck with them!
(, Sun 6 Sep 2009, 21:11, closed)
Find your telephone bill that you called them initially on call back and make a formal complaint. I would! It's amazing what they do when faced with problems.
(, Sun 6 Sep 2009, 23:36, closed)
I know why this was........
I used to work in a call centre and I couldn't give 2 shits about anything other than getting paid and getting home on time. I will bet you 1 million pounds that the person you were talking to was 2 minutes from hometime! I used to pull that all the time. The managers could tell to the second what time you turned your phone off but we weren't recorded, so if the phone rang anything from abut 7-8 minutes before end of shift we would say something like you were told, or would say computers were down, ring back in half an hour, or anything to get them off the phone so we could clock out on time.
Ahhhh Happy days.....
(, Mon 7 Sep 2009, 2:22, closed)

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