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This is a question Cheating cheaty cheats

I'm rubbish at cheating. I was asked to help run a stall at a local fair. We sold squares on a treasure map for 10p a go, with the one closest to the "hidden treasure" winning stuff.

I told my sister where it was. I'd not really thought through how obvious this would be. I've kind of avoided cheating since, what have you cheated at? Confess all, it'll make you feel better.

(, Thu 17 Nov 2005, 10:14)
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Dr Sussbastard
Not to name names, because I'd hate to slaughter the goose that lays the golden eggs, but a certain lecturer at a certain "sandstone" university has a delightfully cavalier attitude to such nonsense as "exams". Whereas younger, more diligent lecturers refuse to let you write on the same topic as your essay, mix up essay questions so they're not the same one year to the next and so on, Dr Sussbastard will not only let you write your essay, in-class presentation and exam all on the same topic (thus relieving you of the need to attend more than one lecture per semester), he has been known to actually read out the questions in class at the last lecture. That is, the actual, real exam questions.

Does it count as cheating if we get spoonfed?
(, Thu 17 Nov 2005, 10:47, Reply)

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